Read the most up-to-date Game Update notes for Civilization VII, along with an archive of previous updates!
Update 1.1.0 - Mar. 4

Hello Civ fans,
Update 1.1.0 is here - our first major update to Civilization VII! This update includes a mix of both paid and free content, with many of the free additions influenced by community feedback. For these extensive Update 1.1.0 notes, we've separated PC and Console into two separate sections so you can easily read them for your preferred platform.
As part of these update notes, we’re introducing a Feature Spotlight section, where the developers will dive deeper into new features or improvements being made. The Update Notes will cover all the addressed issues and improvements, including changes to both the base game and DLC. And lastly, for those who are excited about paid content additions, a Collection section will showcase the newest civs, leaders, and Wonders included in the latest paid Content Collection.
This update also brings a number of addressed issues and improvements specifically for console players. Some of these changes may already be available to PC players, but now all platforms are fully up-to-date. This also means crossplay between PC has been restored across PC, Playstation, Xbox, and Switch, so you can once again enjoy cross-platform multiplayer between PC and these consoles with the latest version of the game.
For a look into what else we’re planning, take a look at our recently released Update Check-in detailing some of what you can expect in our next update, and some major features being scoped out for the future.
As always, we’re listening closely to your feedback, so please keep sharing your thoughts on the Steam Discussion forums or our official Civilization Discord Server.

Refining the Modern Cultural Legacy Path: Geographic Society

If you’ve been chasing a Geographic Society victory, you might have noticed some balance quirks. We made some key changes to improve how this victory feels and plays, including removing the chance for Artifacts to run out in the game, and making it harder for players to breeze through this path when no other players are aiming for this victory.
Here are those key changes:
- Explorer Units now cost more to slow down early rushes.
- Fewer Exploration Age artifacts spawn per continent, making competition for discoveries more strategic.
- Natural Wonders can now be studied for Artifacts - thanks to a new Mastery in the Natural History tech. Each player can collect these new Artifacts once per Natural Wonder.
- Additional Artifacts can be earned by completing the Future Civic (repeatable), providing new late-game opportunities.
- Additional AI and quality-of-life improvements around Geographic Society gameplay.
We hope these changes balance the pacing of the Geographic Society victory – rewarding players who go all-in on Culture while ensuring other leaders still have a fair shot at competing for different paths! We’ll keep monitoring victory pacing across all Legacy Paths and make further adjustments as needed.
PC Update Notes

New Features
- Modern Age Geographic Society Updates:
- Natural History Mastery now grants Explorers +1 Sight and the ability to gain artifacts from Natural Wonders.
- Completing Future Civic now grants +1 Artifact in the Modern Age.
- Completing Hegemony Civic now grants +1 Artifact when an Explorer researches Artifacts.
- Explorers have had their cost increased now that Artifacts can be acquired from more sources.
- Explorers can no longer create a new Dig site on top of an existing Dig site.
- The Continents lens has been updated to show Natural Wonders that can provide Artifacts.
- Hegemony has switched places with Militarism and now requires Nationalism and Globalism.
- Increased the number of Artifacts that are spawned on Tiny maps.
- Holy Cities can now be converted. Note that when players create their own Missionary Units, they will always follow the player’s chosen Religion.
Leaders & Civs
- Napoleon, Emperor**: Napoleon, Emperor can no longer reject Sanctions for free.
- America: America now receives +2 Resource slots upon constructing their Unique Quarter.
- Buganda: Adjusted Nyanza Civic Effect for Modern Buganda to award +1 Happiness and +1 Culture on Quarters adjacent to Rivers or Lakes.
- Meiji Japan: Added +1 Resource slots to the Zaibatsu Unique Quarter.
- Siam: Increased cost of Siam’s Itsaraphab action to be 50% more than the standard Befriend Independent action.
- Siam: Addressed a reported issue where Siam was sometimes not properly unlocked in the Modern Age after unlocking them during the Exploration Age.
- AI will now perform better at completing the Modern Cultural Legacy Path, by gaining Artifacts from Natural Wonders, researching at Museums/Universities, completing Civics, etc. (No more AI explorer stacks of doom!)
- Addressed a reported issue where the AI would sometimes fail to spend all of their points during an Advanced Start setup.
- Oil Rigs now benefit from Warehouse bonuses granted by the Ironworks and Combustion Tech Masteries.
- City Patron Pantheon effect decreased from +3 to +2 Influence on Altars.
- In-progress Buildings that are instantly granted to the player will now auto-complete.
- Sanctions can now be used at Neutral Relationship and their cost will decrease as the Relationship gets more hostile.
- Addressed a reported issue with Revolutions Crisis applying more Unhappiness in Settlements than stated.
- Naval Units can now disperse Independent Powers.
- Refinements made to the Army Unpacking action. Players now have the option to select the Commander hex when choosing an unpack direction. Doing so will unpack the strongest unit in the Commander Unit's hex and arrange any remaining Units on adjacent hexes based on the current facing direction of the Commander. If the player indicates a direction to unpack by selecting an adjacent hex, the strongest Unit will unpack in that direction, with the next strongest Unit unpacking on the Commander hex. Remaining Units will then unpack on adjacent hexes based on the unpack direction.
- Addressed a reported issue with Harassment promotion unintentionally stacking too high.
- Addressed a reported issue with incorrect Bombard strength being used for Garde Imperial and Sepoy Unique Infantry Units.
- Duplicate Aerodrome Commanders should no longer appear when conquering a Settlement in the Modern Age.
- A "ghost" Unit (or multiple Units of any class) can no longer be created when Units are deployed by an AI Commander Unit during normal gameplay.
Natural Wonders
- Added Bermuda Triangle Natural Wonder for all players.
Memento Balance
- We have made many changes to Mementos to make more of them feel like viable choices. Some Mementos were overshadowing Leader and civ abilities and needed to be toned down, while others were not quite impactful enough to take often.
- All-T'oqapu Tunic: Now grants +1 Sight for Scouts adjacent to Mountains (was +3 Sight).
- Altar Set: Now grants +1 Culture from Specialists (was +1 Culture and Gold from Specialists).
- Chalcedony Seal: Now grants +1 Culture and Gold for Unique Buildings and Improvements (old effect: "+3 Culture and Gold for Unique Buildings and Improvements if you have 3 or more Unique Buildings or Improvements").
- Crown of Napoleon: Now grants 200 Gold per Age when a Formal War is declared against you (was 100 Gold per Age).
- Dong Son Drum: Declaring a Formal War against another Civilization grants a Tech Boost (old effect: "Declaring War against another Civilization grants a Celebration").
- Eagle Banner: Now Cities gain +2% Science per Great Work on Display, Max 20% (old effect: "Cities gain 5% bonus Science Efficiency per Great Work they contain, Max 25%").
- Great Imperial Crown: Now grants +2 Science per Age on Towns in Tundra. (old effect: "Cities gain +5% Science per Great Work on Display, Max 25%").
- Imago Mundi: Now grants +2 Sight instead of +1 for Scout's Search and Lookout abilities (was +3 Sight).
- Joyeuse: Now grants +2 Happiness for every Cavalry Unit (old effect: "+2 Happiness per Age for every Cavalry Unit").
- Merchant's Saddle: Now grants +1 Movement for Scouts, Merchants, Settlers, and Explorers (old effect: "+1 Movement and Sight for Scouts, Merchants, and Settlers").
- Padrón Real: Now grants +2 Happiness per Age on Natural Wonders (old effect: "+100% yields on Natural Wonders, if you are working the most Natural Wonder tiles. +2 Combat Strength for Naval Units if you are not").
- Queen's Jewelry: Now grants +2 Gold per Age on Natural Wonders (old effect: "+2 Gold on Natural Wonders").
- Uraeus: Now grants +10% Culture in Cities with at least 1 Wonder (old effect: "+10% Culture if you have the most Wonders. +10% Production towards constructing Wonders if you do not").
Memento Text Updates
- Diamond Throne: +1 Happiness per Age on Quarters during a Celebration. (Previously read: "During a Celebration, +1 Happiness per Quarter per Age.")
- Lotus Blossom: Gain Science and Culture per turn equal to 4% of your Gold income. (Previously read: "+4% of your Gold income as additional Science and Culture.")
- Yata no Kagami: Gain 20 Culture per Age at the start of every Celebration. (Previously read: "+20 Culture per Age at the start of every Celebration.")
Text changes
- Updated Maya's K'uh Nah Unique Building text to state +3 Science instead of +4 Science.
- Updated text for the following to reflect changes received in a previous patch:
- Majapahit - Nusantura Civic: Exploration Age Culture Buildings receive a +1 Culture Adjacency for Coast.
- America - Steel Mill: +6 Production. Gold Adjacency for Resources and Wonders. American Unique Production Building. Ageless.
- Prussia - Ruhr Tier 1 Civic Tree Improvement: All Buildings gain a +1 Production Adjacency for Navigable Rivers.
- The "Not enough gold in treasury" message now correctly appears when attempting to purchase an item the player cannot afford.
Alignment & Spacing
- The lines connecting the Tech and Civic trees now align properly with their respective nodes.
- Unit action tooltips now stay within screen boundaries.
- The Victory Achieved popup now takes you to the correct Civilopedia page if it is the final milestone, and the correct tab in the victory progress screen otherwise.
- Descriptions for a civ’s Unique Units will no longer mention their Tier when loading into the game.
- Social Policies and Crisis Policies can now be slotted separately when you unlock both on the same turn. This had previously made the screen appear stuck when either table had an empty slot.
- The Plot cursor effect should now be more visible during a Growth Event or when placing a Building.
- Selecting Factory Resources no longer highlights invalid slots.
- A new icon for Natural Wonders in the Continent lens has been added, so it’s easier for players to see where to dig up Modern Age Artifacts.
- Updated and Improved the Leader Attribute Menu.
- Leader portraits now properly update when Relationships change during gameplay.
- Scrollbars now properly respond to mouse wheel input.
- Addressed a reported issue where enabling or disabling lenses would hide Resource icons.
- Addressed a reported issue where Resources were unable to be assigned to their origin City after being unassigned.
Narrative Events
- Addressed various reported issues that were occurring on some Narrative Events.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Great Library III Legacy Path Quest wasn’t completing if an Academy Building was purchased.
- Addressed reported issues with incorrectly displayed quest text.
Loading Screen
- Corrected typos and other loading screen text issues.
- Added additional Audio for various UI events, including First Meet diplomatic events.
- The correct citizen character set is now being displayed for Korean Independent Powers.
- Added Direct Mode support for Retina displays.
- Addressed a reported issue where the E hotkey was not functioning.
- Addressed a reported issue where the mouse side buttons couldn’t be assigned.
- Addressed a reported issue where the mouse side buttons couldn’t be assigned.
Console Update Notes

New Features
- Modern Age Geographic Society Updates:
- Natural History Mastery now grants Explorers +1 Sight and the ability to gain artifacts from Natural Wonders.
- Completing Future Civic now grants +1 Artifact in the Modern Age
- Completing Hegemony Civic now grants +1 Artifact when an Explorer researches Artifacts.
- Explorers have had their cost increased now that Artifacts can be acquired from more sources.
- Explorers can no longer create a new Dig site on top of an existing Dig site.
- The Continents lens has been updated to show Natural Wonders that can provide Artifacts.
- Hegemony has switched places with Militarism and now requires Nationalism and Globalism.
- Increased the number of Artifacts that are spawned on Tiny maps.
- Holy Cities can now be converted. Note that when players create their own Missionary Units, they will always follow the player’s chosen Religion.
- City States will now turn into Friendly Independent Powers on Age Transition instead of disappearing completely and will also now start with more units in Exploration and Modern Ages.
- Completing the final milestone of a Legacy Path no longer adds Age Progress in the Modern Age to ensure you have more time to complete a Victory.
Leaders & Civs
- Napoleon, Emperor**: Napoleon, Emperor can no longer reject Sanctions for free.
- Isabella: Addressed an issue that some users reported experiencing where the 300 Gold from discovering a Natural Wonder while playing as Isabella was not being granted.
- America: America now receives +2 Resource slots upon constructing their Unique Quarter.
- Buganda: Adjusted Nyanza Civic Effect for Modern Buganda to award +1 Happiness and +1 Culture on Quarters adjacent to Rivers or Lakes.
- Meiji Japan: Added +1 Resource slots to the Zaibatsu Unique Quarter.
- Siam: Increased cost of Siam’s Itsaraphab action to be 50% more than the standard Befriend Independent action.
- Siam: Addressed a reported issue where Siam was sometimes not properly unlocked in the Modern Age after unlocking them during the Exploration Age.
- AI will now perform better at completing the Modern Cultural Legacy Path, by gaining Artifacts from Natural Wonders, researching at Museums/Universities, completing Civics, etc. (No more AI explorer stacks of doom!)
- Addressed a reported issue where the AI would sometimes fail to spend all of their points during an Advanced Start setup.
- In Modern, AI will now declare war less often at the start of the age.
- In Modern, AI will now consider Ideology more before Declaring War or offering Peace.
- Other Leaders now have a decreased desire for war if neither party has an Ideology.
- Other Leaders now have an increased desire for war with players of Opposing ideologies.
- Other Leaders now have a decreased desire for Peace with players of opposing Ideologies.
- AI will now offer high-value Cities less often during Peace Deals.
- Oil Rigs now benefit from Warehouse bonuses granted by the Ironworks and Combustion Tech Masteries.
- City Patron Pantheon effect decreased from +3 to +2 Influence on Altars.
- In-progress Buildings that are instantly granted to the player will now auto-complete.
- Improvements to Rail Networks aimed at increasing the reliability of Settlements connecting to the Rail Network over water by building Ports. This should apply as long as the Capital either has a Port or is connected by rail to a settlement with a Port.
- Addressed an issue that some users reported experiencing where Sea Trade and Rail connections sometimes failed in Settlements where the City Center was not adjacent to the coast.
- Addressed an issue that some users reported experiencing where the Factory was unavailable when a Distant Lands Settlement was connected to a Homelands Settlement in the Modern Age.
- Addressed a reported issue where too many bonuses to Growth where Food needed for the next growth event became negative.
- Towns will now switch their focus back to Growing town automatically if they are no longer eligible for their chosen Focus (for example, if their population decreases) until they are eligible again.
- Sanctions can now be used at Neutral Relationship and their cost will decrease as the Relationship gets more hostile.
- Addressed a reported issue with Revolutions Crisis applying more Unhappiness in Settlements than stated.
- Made improvements to the Loyalty Crisis in the Antiquity Age, including giving the ability to purchase Villas in towns during this crisis, giving another way to manage the happiness of your settlements.
- Naval Units can now disperse Independent Powers.
- Refinements made to the Army Unpacking action. Players now have the option to select the Commander hex when choosing an unpack direction. Doing so will unpack the strongest unit in the Commander Unit's hex and arrange any remaining Units on adjacent hexes based on the current facing direction of the Commander. If the player indicates a direction to unpack by selecting an adjacent hex, the strongest Unit will unpack in that direction, with the next strongest Unit unpacking on the Commander hex. Remaining Units will then unpack on adjacent hexes based on the unpack direction.
- Addressed a reported issue with Harassment promotion unintentionally stacking too high.
- Addressed a reported issue with incorrect Bombard strength being used for Garde Imperial and Sepoy Unique Infantry Units.
- Duplicate Aerodrome Commanders should no longer appear when conquering a Settlement in the Modern Age.
- A "ghost" Unit (or multiple Units of any class) can no longer be created when Units are deployed by an AI Commander Unit during normal gameplay.
- Bombers can now deploy Nuclear Weapons when packed into an Aerodrome, Carrier, or Squadron Commander (previously only Heavy Bombers could do so).
- Updated the description of the Produce Nuclear Weapon to reflect this.
- Added an additional Military Advisor notification for when you have produced a Nuclear Weapon but do not have a Bomber.
- Addressed reported inconsistencies with Naval Combat.
- Naval Units will use the correct Combat Strength values when attacking another Naval Unit in all instances.
- Naval Units will properly take reciprocal damage after attacking another Naval Unit.
- Naval Units will more consistently move into the attacked tile after defeating another Naval Unit.
Natural Wonders
- Added Bermuda Triangle Natural Wonder for all players.
- [Crossroads of the World DLC*] Added:
- Machapuchare - Tropical
- Mount Fuji – Grassland
- Vinicunca – Desert
- Vihren – Plains
Memento Balance
- We have made many changes to Mementos to make more of them feel like viable choices. Some Mementos were overshadowing Leader and civ abilities and needed to be toned down, while others were not quite impactful enough to take often.
- We have made many changes to Mementos to make more of them feel like viable choices. Some Mementos were overshadowing Leader and civ abilities and needed to be toned down, while others were not quite impactful enough to take often.
- All-T'oqapu Tunic: Now grants +1 Sight for Scouts adjacent to Mountains (was +3 Sight).
- Altar Set: Now grants +1 Culture from Specialists (was +1 Culture and Gold from Specialists).
- Chalcedony Seal: Now grants +1 Culture and Gold for Unique Buildings and Improvements (old effect: "+3 Culture and Gold for Unique Buildings and Improvements if you have 3 or more Unique Buildings or Improvements").
- Crown of Napoleon: Now grants 200 Gold per Age when a Formal War is declared against you (was 100 Gold per Age).
- Dong Son Drum: Declaring a Formal War against another Civilization grants a Tech Boost (old effect: "Declaring War against another Civilization grants a Celebration").
- Eagle Banner: Now Cities gain +2% Science per Great Work on Display, Max 20% (old effect: "Cities gain 5% bonus Science Efficiency per Great Work they contain, Max 25%").
- Great Imperial Crown: Now grants +2 Science per Age on Towns in Tundra. (old effect: "Cities gain +5% Science per Great Work on Display, Max 25%").
- Imago Mundi: Now grants +2 Sight instead of +1 for Scout's Search and Lookout abilities (was +3 Sight).
- Joyeuse: Now grants +2 Happiness for every Cavalry Unit (old effect: "+2 Happiness per Age for every Cavalry Unit").
- Merchant's Saddle: Now grants +1 Movement for Scouts, Merchants, Settlers, and Explorers (old effect: "+1 Movement and Sight for Scouts, Merchants, and Settlers").
- Padrón Real: Now grants +2 Happiness per Age on Natural Wonders (old effect: "+100% yields on Natural Wonders, if you are working the most Natural Wonder tiles. +2 Combat Strength for Naval Units if you are not").
- Queen's Jewelry: Now grants +2 Gold per Age on Natural Wonders (old effect: "+2 Gold on Natural Wonders").
- Uraeus: Now grants +10% Culture in Cities with at least 1 Wonder (old effect: "+10% Culture if you have the most Wonders. +10% Production towards constructing Wonders if you do not").
Memento Text Updates
- Diamond Throne: +1 Happiness per Age on Quarters during a Celebration. (Previously read: "During a Celebration, +1 Happiness per Quarter per Age.")
- Lotus Blossom: Gain Science and Culture per turn equal to 4% of your Gold income. (Previously read: "+4% of your Gold income as additional Science and Culture.")
- Yata no Kagami: Gain 20 Culture per Age at the start of every Celebration. (Previously read: "+20 Culture per Age at the start of every Celebration.")
Addressed Issues
- Future Civic is now repeatable in all Ages. The cost of Future Tech and Future Civic will now increase more when repeated.
- Addressed a reported issue with Epic and Marathon game speeds that was causing Ages to be shorter than intended.
- Addressed an issue where some users reported experiencing Specialists being removed from Settlements when confirming the Legacy Cards from Age Transition.
Text changes
- Updated Maya's K'uh Nah Unique Building text to state +3 Science instead of +4 Science.
- Updated text for the following to reflect changes received in a previous patch:
- Majapahit - Nusantura Civic: Exploration Age Culture Buildings receive a +1 Culture Adjacency for Coast.
- America - Steel Mill: +6 Production. Gold Adjacency for Resources and Wonders. American Unique Production Building. Ageless.
- Prussia - Ruhr Tier 1 Civic Tree Improvement: All Buildings gain a +1 Production Adjacency for Navigable Rivers.
- Added a notification for when an enemy attacks a player's Unit in single-player.
- The "Not enough gold in treasury" message now correctly appears when attempting to purchase an item the player cannot afford.
- Added a notification for completed Espionage actions, so that you can more easily check the results of their Espionage actions.
- “The game is waiting on you” message in multiplayer will now only appear for the last human player taking their turn.
- The notification menu now opens correctly at the start of the next turn, even if no units were moved.
Alignment & Spacing
- Continued to address alignment issues some users reported when playing in Simplified Chinese. We will continue to make improvements here in future patches
- Addressed some text alignment issues when language is set to Simplified Chinese.
- The lines connecting the Tech and Civic trees now align properly with their respective nodes.
- Improved the alignment of leader names and portraits on the Age Summary, when viewing the Overview screen of the Victories Rankings.
- Improved Image and Font alignment in the City details menu.
- Improved spacing and alignment on the War Declaration screen.
- Improved text alignment in the Global Yields Breakdown.
- Improved image and text alignment on the Progress menu.
- Improved the text alignment for the Description of Continents when using the Continents Lens during Exploration and Modern age.
- Improved the spacing between Civ descriptions, unique Units, and Building icons on the loading screen.
- Unit action tooltips now stay within screen boundaries.
- Addressed a reported issue where advisor recommendation tooltips will appear on non-recommended items.
- Tooltips updated with Wonder icons, descriptions, and status for buildings.
- The Social panel icon now displays tooltips when hovering the mouse cursor over it in the Main Menu.
- Addressed a reported issue where no tooltips for Leader's name would appear when hovering over a non-selected leader when in the pre-game lobby screen.
- Addressed a reported issue where tooltips for a civilization were not appearing properly on the pre-game lobby screen.
- Addressed a reported issue where Tech and Civic Tree tooltip font didn’t scale.
Performance & Resolution
- Various performance improvements.
- Addressed a reported issue where progress bars for Age Progress, Tech, and Civics would present incorrectly at higher resolutions.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Commander Unit Panel would run off screen at 1024 x 768 in Windowed mode.
- Addressed a reported issue where hotkeys were inactive when the chat window was open in multiplayer.
- Corrected inconsistent controls when in the technology tree menu.
- The Scientific Attribute tree now displays correctly in 720p resolution without being cut off.
- Graphics Profile options now display correctly when changing settings in the Options menu, instead of always showing ‘High’.
- The Victory Achieved popup now takes you to the correct Civilopedia page if it is the final milestone, and the correct tab in the victory progress screen otherwise.
- Descriptions for a civ’s Unique Units will no longer mention their Tier when loading into the game.
- Social Policies and Crisis Policies can now be slotted separately when you unlock both on the same turn. This had previously made the screen appear stuck when either table had an empty slot.
- The Plot cursor effect should now be more visible during a Growth Event or when placing a Building.
- Selecting Factory Resources no longer highlights invalid slots.
- A new icon for Natural Wonders in the Continent lens has been added, so it’s easier for players to see where to dig up Modern Age Artifacts.
- Updated and Improved the Leader Attribute Menu.
- Leader portraits now properly update when Relationships change during gameplay.
- Scrollbars now properly respond to mouse wheel input.
- Leader portraits now properly display in the My Progress menu.
- Scrollbars now properly respond to mouse wheel input.
- Addressed a reported issue where enabling or disabling lenses would hide Resource icons.
- Addressed a reported issue where Resources were unable to be assigned to their origin City after being unassigned.
- The current player's religion is now displayed first in the belief picker tabs.
- Replaced the Simplified Chinese font with the font used in Civilization VI while we work on additional improvements for future patches.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Settlement menu fails to open when clicking on a non-player's Settlement Banner in gameplay.
- Addressed a reported issue where some text was cut off on the Global Yields Breakdown screen.
- City projects no longer appear to be purchasable.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where a District’s health bar would remain on-screen after being fully healed.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where the background color remained the default color when the user changed it in the Player Customize tab.
- Addressed a reported issue where yield icons would fail to update in the City production list when upgrading a Town to a City.
- Addressed various memory leaks in various UI elements.
- Added resource yields on tiles that do not produce yields.
- Addressed a reported issue on Age Transition where available civs would not fill horizontally across the screen when playing in Windowed mode.
- In-game time now correctly matches system time instead of always displaying in UTC.
- The pre-options menu now properly returns to the previous selection if a player selects the wrong option during gameplay.
- Addressed a reported issue with the attribute menu displaying incorrect artwork when viewed during gameplay.
- Peace Deals now correctly display the intended leader icon and name.
- Selected Legacy cards now correctly appear in the Advanced Start menu during gameplay.
- The Dawn of Man tutorial no longer closes automatically after exiting the Welcome to Civilization fullscreen tutorial.
- The entire Science tab is now clickable when navigating between Age Progress and Victory tabs.
- Disabled content no longer automatically re-enables when restarting the game after being disabled.
- The Diplomatic menu no longer closes automatically when selecting a leader portrait after choosing a Diplomatic Action.
- The option to revisit the guide no longer appears during the FTUE slideshow when Tutorials are enabled in Antiquity gameplay.
- The cursor no longer displays as a forbidden icon in the Your Progress menu after reconnecting to the network at the Main Menu.
- The "Journal" Quest no longer switches to a "Legacy Path" quest when opening the "Leader Screen" or "Diplomatic Action" menus during gameplay.
- Added the description text for 'Gunpowder Empire' when viewing the thumbnail in the civic menu and tree.
- The Range prompt now correctly appears when launching the Carpet Bomb ability in the Aerodrome Commander's action panel.
- Addressed a reported issue where the aerial reconnaissance ability had unlimited range.
- Users can no longer choose Reliquary Beliefs for other leaders while researching the Reformation Civic if they haven't selected Reliquary Belief during the Exploration Age.
- Removed a redundant 'Confirm' button appearing when viewing the Promotion tree loading menu during Gameplay.
- Addressed a reported issue where leaders would remain on the screen if two wonders are built on the same turn.
- The Diplomacy ribbon now correctly appears after accepting Military Aid from an AI leader during gameplay.
- The Rankings screen can now be toggled with shortcut keys.
- Removed an unneeded red dot when no policy slot is available.
- The Religion UI button and information panel now correctly appear during Modern Age gameplay.
- Addressed a reported issue where Encampments are missing the White Dotted/Dashed Hex Borders UI after reloading save data.
- Addressed a reported issue on the Keyboard + Mouse hotkey menu where the hotkey description text would stop appearing after changing the resolution.
- The Crisis Page now correctly labels policies as "Your Crisis Policies"
- Addressed a reported issue where the text-to-speech hotkey fails to function when used on a checkbox or slider in various menus.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Narrator fails to have function when hovering the cursor on some items in the Your Progress menu.
- Shawnee is now listed with the Exploration Age civilizations when viewing the Player Unlocks menu.
- Addressed a reported issue where Shawnee’s unlock notification fails to display when befriending two City-States during Antiquity gameplay.
- Addressed a reported issue where The Independent power characters remain on the screen after opening and closing the diplomacy menu several times.
- Addressed an issue that some players reported experiencing where the Unique Quarter description appears cut off when viewing in the Building Breakdown screen.
- Addressed an issue that some players reported experiencing where unlocalized text appeared when viewing the "Nuclear Weapons Available" warning pop-up in Modern Age.
- Improvements to the Age Transition Spend Points screen.
- Improved the performance of the City Details screen when viewing a large City.
- Improved Progress Bar information consistency (HUD Progress wheels go the right way now).
- The Esc key can be used to back out of the Independent Power screen.
- Added Building icons to the plot tooltip with their status. Added Wonder icons to the plot tooltip with the gameplay effect. Made resource icons larger on improved tiles, and smaller on unimproved tiles. "Thank you for the inspiration Sukritact!"
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where yield icons failed to populate on the 'now available' Buildings when converting a Town to City.
- The correct citizen character set is now being displayed for Korean Independent Powers.
Narrative Events
- Addressed various issues that were occurring on some Narrative Events.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Great Library III Legacy Path Quest wasn’t completing if an academy was purchased.
- Addressed reported issues with incorrectly displayed quest text.
Loading Screen
- Corrected typos and other loading screen text issues.
- Added additional Audio for various UI events, including First Meet diplomatic events.
- The correct citizen character set is now being displayed for Korean Independent Powers.
- Addressed a reported issue where the name of the Maintenance Yield name audio does not play when the user hovers over the text for yields with narration enabled.
- Addressed a reported issue where the background flashes when the user switches the submenus in Age Progress.
General Console
- Addressed a reported issue where the input prompt to loop between Units stacked on a tile was appearing at the wrong place.
- Addressed a reported issue where it was possible to convert a Town to City without having enough gold.
- Addressed reported issues with incorrect input prompts appearing.
- Addressed reported issues with controller focus.
- Addressed a reported issue where platform friends couldn’t be added as 2K Account friends.
- Addressed a reported issue where some multiplayer invites were not received in game.
- Addressed a reported issue where cross-platform lobbies and cross-play saves were not available on first title launch.
- Addressed a reported issue where the tooltips for items on the Tech and Civic Unlocked pop-ups were inaccessible on controller.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Heroic Assault ability could be used without a target on controller.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Great Banker unit could teleport into FOW tiles when using a controller.
- Addressed a reported issue where the confirm button would appear offset from the tile highlight.
- Addressed a reported issue where diplomacy scenes would fail to exit completely when backing out of them using a controller.
- Addressed a reported issue where menus would automatically scroll when the user switches to another tab while scrolling.
- Addressed a reported issue where the player could not navigate through the Civilopedia search results with a controller.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Research/Excavate tooltip was not visible when playing with a controller.
- Addressed a reported issue where the game was blocked after triggering the lenses in some specific setup on Xbox & PlayStation.
- Addressed a reported issue where autosaves were not created after hitting a certain limit on Xbox & PlayStation.
- Addressed a reported issue where players joining a private lobby through join code where not reported as in a multiplayer game
- Addressed a reported issue where the Attributes sections names were on two lines
- Addressed a reported issue where players were not moved to the lobby when rejoining a game.
- Addressed a reported issue where autosaves were not created after hitting a certain limit.
- Addressed a reported issue where customization items from purchased DLC could appear as locked until a new game is launched.
- Addressed a reported issue for Switch players experiencing instability when trying to join an unsupported map size lobby.
- Addressed a reported issue where a player could appear twice in the friends list.

Crossroads of the World Collection* - DLC 1-3
Civilization VII's Content Collections offer additional paid content to expand on the game's foundation and open up new strategic possibilities for building your empire!
Each of these bundles will include six distinct packs of paid content, including new leaders, civilizations, Wonders, and cosmetic bonuses. Buying a Content Collection gets you all six included packs, which will be deployed at different scheduled times according to our content roadmap.
The first half of the Crossroads of the World Collection, our first Content Collection following the launch of Civ VII, goes live as part of Update 1.1.0. Players who own the Crossroads of the World Collection (which comes included for owners of the Deluxe Edition and Founders Edition, and is available for separate purchase for Standard Edition owners) will automatically have access to the new leader Ada Lovelace, new civs Great Britain (Modern Age) and Carthage (Antiquity Age), and four new Natural Wonders to discover! We also want to reiterate that you can play multiplayer matches with other players whether or not you own any of the same DLC leaders or civilizations.
[Crossroads of the World DLC*] Added new leader Ada Lovelace.
From childhood, Ada Lovelace inspected the world through a scientist’s eyes. Forging a path between intellectualism and imagination, she applied her mathematical mind to the nineteenth century’s most cutting-edge experiments. Working with mechanical computers, which made calculations using gears and punch cards, she designed the first computer program, establishing the field of computing over a century before technology caught up to her vision.
- Attributes: Scientific, Cultural
- Unique Ability: Enchantress of Number: Cities receive increased Science per Age when you complete a Civic Mastery. This resets at the start of each Age. Gain Culture equal to a percentage of your total Science per turn when you complete a Technology Mastery.
- Agenda: Analytical Engine: Increase Relationship by a Small Amount for having the most Masteries. Decrease Relationship by a Small Amount for the leader with the least Masteries.

[Crossroads of the World DLC*] Added a new Modern Age civilization Great Britain.
The sun never set on Great Britain’s vast empire. Its territories spread across all continents, funneling raw materials from colonial holdings to the factories of the metropole. Foreign policy was conducted through economic strategy, extensive diplomacy, and threat of war. The British navy dominated the seas, while at home, society found a new order amid the explosion of industry. Under Pax Britannica, the world followed Britain’s lead.
- Attributes: Economic, Expansionist
- Unique Ability: Workshop of the World: Buildings are a set percentage cheaper to produce or purchase. Converting Towns into Cities costs a set percentage more.
- Unique Civilian Unit: Antiquarian (Unique Explorer Unit)
- Unique Military Unit: Revenge (Unique Naval Unit)
- Associated Wonder: Battersea Power Station

[Crossroads of the World DLC*] Added new Antiquity Age civilization Carthage.
From humble colony to economic hegemony, Carthage rose from the shores of North Africa to dominate the Mediterranean Sea. Its sleek ships ferried goods and riches all over the known world, while at home, the city of Carthage was famed for its master craftsmen and deep agricultural knowledge. Competition with first Greece, then Rome, honed renowned generals and a powerful navy. But war was Carthage’s undoing, and the city was destroyed in 146 BCE.
- Attributes: Militaristic, Economic
- Unique Ability: Phoenician Heritage: Can only have one City. Towns cannot use Convert to City. When you create a Merchant or Colonist Unit, gain a copy of that Unit.
- Unique Civilian Unit: Colonist (Unique Settler Unit)
- Unique Military Unit: Numidian (Unique Cavalry Unit)
- Associated Wonder: Byrsa
Natural Wonders
[Crossroads of the World DLC*] Added four new Natural Wonders:
- Machapuchare - Tropical
- Mount Fuji – Grassland
- Vinicunca – Desert
- Vihren – Plains
Visit the Civilization VII Crossroads of the World Collection page to stay up to date on the latest Content Collection details and roadmaps!
*Crossroads of the World Collection is included in the Deluxe and Founders Editions of Civilization VII. It is also available for separate purchase (base game required). Contains 6 DLCs, all of which will be available on or by March 2025 (subject to change). Each DLC will be delivered automatically in-game on release. Terms apply.
**Napoleon, Emperor leader persona requires an internet connection, and a 2K Account linked to the platform account used to play Sid Meier's Civilization VII. 2K Accounts are free. One per 2K Account. Reward will be automatically delivered in-game. Void where prohibited. Terms apply. See the Civilization VII 2K Account Benefits page for full details.
1.0.1 Patch 3 - February 12, 2025

Hello Civ fans,
Today’s 1.0.1 Patch 3 for PC focuses on addressing key areas of player-reported issues that we can act on most quickly.
We're still actively working on a development roadmap outlining more major updates to the game, including improvements to the UI and other critical areas. Our goal is to share this roadmap in the coming weeks; we appreciate your patience as we determine what we can deliver in the near future.
As always, we greatly appreciate your feedback, so please keep sharing your thoughts on the Steam Discussion forums or our official Civilization Discord Server.
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
General Stability Improvements and fixes.
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
- Bombers can now deploy Nuclear Weapons when packed into an Aerodrome, Carrier, or Squadron Commander (previously only Heavy Bombers could do so).
- Addressed an issue where some users reported experiencing Specialists being removed from Settlements when confirming the Legacy Cards from Age Transition.
- Addressed an issue that some users reported experiencing where the 300 Gold from discovering a Natural Wonder while playing as Isabella was not being granted.
- Addressed an issue that some users reported experiencing where the Factory was unavailable when a Distant Lands Settlement was connected to a Homelands Settlement in the Modern Age.
- Addressed an issue that some users reported experiencing where Sea Trade and Rail connections sometimes failed in Settlements where the City Center was not adjacent to the coast.
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
- Continued to address alignment issues some users reported when playing in Simplified Chinese. We will continue to make improvements here in future patches.
- Improved Font Scaling in the Civilization and Tech Tree screens.
- Improved Image and Font alignment in the City details menu.
- Improved spacing and alignment on the War Declaration screen.
- Addressed an issue that some players reported experiencing with navigating the Civilopedia search results with a controller.
- Addressed an issue that some players reported experiencing where the Unique Quarter description appears cut off when viewing in Building Breakdown screen.
- Addressed an issue that some players reported experiencing where unlocalized text appeared when viewing the "Nuclear Weapons Available" warning pop-up in Modern Age.
- Improvements to the Age Transition Spend Points screen.
- Added a notification for when an enemy attacks a player's Unit in single-player.
- Improved the performance of City Details screen when viewing a large City.
- Improved Progress Bar information consistency (HUD Progress wheels go the right way now).
- The Esc key can be used to back out of the Independent Power screen.
- Added Building icons to the plot tooltip with their status. Added Wonder icons to the plot tooltip with the gameplay effect. Made resource icons larger on improved tiles, and smaller on unimproved tiles. "Thank you for the inspiration Sukritact!"
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
- The correct citizen character set is now being displayed for Korean Independent Powers.
1.0.1 Patch 2 - February 10, 2025

Hello Civ fans,
First off, a big thank you to all of the players that have reached out to us with bugs, comments, and suggestions during the Advanced Access period for Civilization VII. We are reading and collecting all of your feedback, and will continue to do so as we roll out improvements going forward.
Today’s 1.0.1 Patch 2 for PC addresses some player feedback received during Advanced Access and is the first in a series of upcoming patches intended to do so. Stay tuned for larger, more substantive updates to come in the future.
Please continue to send us your feedback on the Steam Discussion forums or our official Civilization Discord Server.
Patch notes
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing that caused Ages in Epic and Marathon speed games to be shorter than intended.
- City States will now turn into Friendly Independent Powers on Age Transition instead of disappearing completely. They will also now start with more units in Exploration and Modern Ages.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing for inconsistencies with Naval Combat.
- Naval Units will use the correct Combat Strength values when attacking another Naval Unit in all instances.
- Naval Units will properly take reciprocal damage after attacking another Naval Unit.
- Naval Units will more consistently move into the attacked tile after defeating another Naval Unit.
- Completing the final milestone of a Legacy Path no longer adds Age Progress in the Modern Age to ensure you have more time to complete a Victory.
- Towns will now switch their focus back to Growing town automatically if they are no longer eligible for their chosen Focus (for example, if their population decreases) until they are eligible again.
- Future Civic is now repeatable in all Ages. The cost of Future Tech and Future Civic will now increase more when repeated.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing after too many bonuses to Growth where Food needed for the next Growth Event became negative.
- Improvements to Rail Networks aimed at increasing the reliability of Settlements connecting to the Rail Network over water by building Ports. This should apply as long as the Capital either has a Port or is connected by rail to a settlement with a Port.
- Made improvements to the Loyalty Crisis in the Antiquity Age, including giving the ability to purchase Villas in towns during this crisis, giving another way to manage the happiness of your settlements.
- A note about cross-play multiplayer: To expedite updates to the PC experience, we will sometimes deploy patches to PC at a different cadence than we do on consoles - including today's Patch 1.0.1. As a result, cross-play between PC players and console players is temporarily disabled. This will have no impact on console players attempting cross-platform play with other console players, nor on PC-to-PC multiplayer.
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
- AI will now offer high-value Cities less often during Peace Deals.
- In Modern, AI will now declare war less often at the start of the age.
- In Modern, AI will now consider Ideology more before Declaring War or offering Peace.
- Other Leaders now have a decreased desire for war if neither party has an Ideology.
- Other Leaders now have an increased desire for war with players of opposing Ideologies.
- Other Leaders now have a decreased desire for peace with players of opposing Ideologies.
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing on native-resolutions where the camera would focus on the lower end of the map when clicking on the minimap.
Windows PC/Mac/Linux/Steam Deck
- Replaced the Simplified Chinese font with the font used in Civilization VI while we work on additional improvements for future patches.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where the Settlement menu failed to open when clicking on a non-player's Settlement Banner in gameplay.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where yield icons failed to populate on the 'now available' Buildings when converting a Town to City.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where some text was cut off on the Global Yields Breakdown screen.
- Added a notification for completed Espionage actions, so that you can more easily check the results of their Espionage actions.
- City projects no longer appear to be purchasable.
- Your current religion is now displayed first in the belief picker tabs.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where a District’s health bar would remain on-screen after being fully healed.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where Leaders failed to have a portrait when the Relationship has changed during gameplay.
- Improved the alignment of leader names and portraits on the Age Summary, when viewing the Overview screen of the Victories Rankings.
- Addressed an issue some users reported experiencing where the background color remained the default color when the user changed it in the Player Customize tab.
- Improved the spacing between Civ descriptions, unique Units, and Building icons on the loading screen.
1.0.1 Patch 1 - February 7, 2025

Today we're pushing out a small patch to address some immediate Advanced Access game issues. We are reading and collecting all of your player feedback, and while we'll have more to share on future patches at a later time, you can read our recent post to learn more about what we're prioritizing for the game in the meantime.
Today's patch is a focused set of fixes we had the ability to quickly and confidently ship. Please continue to send us your feedback on the Steam Discussion forums or our official Civilization Discord Server.
Patch notes
- General game stability improvements, including regional game crashes
- Fixed a bug for players on Mac that were experiencing Mac system sounds whenever keypresses were made in game
Patch 1.0.1 - February 5, 2025

Greetings, Civ fans! It's an exciting day for the studio as early access for Sid Meier's Civilization VII has finally begun! The team at Firaxis has been hard at work not just getting the game ready for launch, but reacting to some of the things we've already seen you share in response to previews and reviews of the game.
That's why we're excited to share details about Patch 1.0.1, our first official update for Civilization VII! This patch introduces several fixes, adjustments, and changes that apply to a really wide part of the game, including some key community asks such as an improved minimap, quality-of-life features like new entries to the Civilopedia, and more! You can learn a bit more about how we're generally thinking of post-launch updates in Dev Diary #8.
As always, we welcome any feedback and comments! Read on below for the full patch notes:
All Platforms
- Moving onto a Bridge no longer ends a Unit's movement
- Removed -2 Happiness "Social Policy Lost" penalty when changing Social Policies during Celebrations
- Ports can now be built on Navigable Rivers
- Updated growth thresholds to ensure they never decrease
- Tiles impacted by nuclear fallout no longer produce Yields
- Town upgrade costs now scale with game speed for better pacing
- Relationships can no longer reach Helpful while at war with another Leader
All Platforms
- AI now prioritizes pillaging any available tiles before attacking a Settlement's center
- AI leaders now accept and reject Peace Deals more appropriately
- Commander Orders and Group attacks now behave more consistently
- Improved AI navy ability to target plots on shore
- Improved AI ability to use Migrant Units if space is available
All Platforms
Updated minimap to show tile ownership by player
- Added new information to the City Details screen that shows where a Town is sending its food and what Town a City is receiving food from
- Added Auto Unit Cycle option to toggle on/off when a Unit has remaining movement
- Added custom Religion naming
- Policy screen now shows how many free slots are available
Narrative System
All Platforms
- Reward description clarified on multiple Discovery Events
- All Legacy Paths Civilopedia pages have been added to the Ages tab
- Added Civilopedia entries for Ocean Exploration, Railroads, Specialists, Amphibious, Embark, Fortify, and Intercept
System Adjustments & Performance
Windows PC
- Improvements to leader lighting and shadows on high-end graphics settings
- Upscaling settings are now automatically configured based on PC hardware
All Platforms
- Addressed a number of crash issues reported by some users
Audio & Visual
All Platforms
- Road creation and connection logic updated to ensure consistent connections for better-looking roads and railroads
- Railroad assets now appear on Rural and Improved tiles
- Added text-to-speech narration
- Fixed missing VFX across various Units
- Updated VFX triggers on Volcanos
- Updated VFX for Rivers
- Updated color of Plague VFX from green to yellow
- Adjusted timing on some leader VO
- Fixed missing sounds across various Units
- Fixed missing sounds across the Independent Powers screen
- Fixed missing sounds across various UI
- Fixed audio timing loops for certain Wonders
- Updated audio for certain quotes to play with correct VO
All Platforms
- Premium items obtained from the Deluxe Edition and Founders Edition can be toggled on/off