"The kingdom," Xshaca, or what we know as Persia, was the center of the world at its height, reigning over most of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Anatolia. It was a strong, centralized state with efficient communication and transportation systems and a professional army, and it brought the luxuries of the world together – until the forces of Alexander the Great sent it toppling down.
Unique Ability
Hamarana Council: Infantry Units receive increased Combat Strength when attacking.
- Economic
- Militaristic
Civic Trees
- Tier 1: Reduced Military Unit maintenance. Unlocks 'Kara' Tradition.
- Tradition - Kara: Increased Production towards Infantry Units.
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Pairidaeza Unique Improvement, 'Angarium' Tradition, and Gate of All Nations Wonder.
- Tradition - Angarium: Increased Gold for every Town.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. The Pairidaeza Unique Improvement gets increased Happiness from adjacent Quarters.
Achaemenid Empire
- Tier 1: Adds Gold for every different Civilization you have captured a Settlement from.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks 'Shahanshah' Tradition.
- Tradition - Shahanshah: Increased Combat Strength against Units in enemy territory.
Unique Infrastructure
Pairidaeza: Unique Improvement. Adds Culture and Gold. Cannot be built adjacent to another Pairidaeza Improvement.
Unique Civilian Unit
Hazarapatis: Unique Commander. Starts with the Initiative Promotion, which allows Units to move after unpacking from the Commander.
Unique Military Unit
Immortal: Unique Infantry Unit. Heals for a set amount after defeating an enemy Unit.
Associated Wonder
Gate of All Nations: Adds Gold. Increased Support on all Wars. Must be placed adjacent to a District.
Starting Biases:
- Desert
- Plains