The African coast of the Red Sea was the domain of Aksum, named by the prophet Mani as one of the four key powers of the ancient world. For most of the first millennium CE, Aksumite merchants bore ivory, gold, spices and other goods from the African interior to India, Persia, and the Mediterranean. Yet these trade routes planted the seeds of Aksum’s fall – when the Arab caliphates took over the Silk Road, Aksum was isolated and fell into decline.
Unique Ability
Kingdom of Natural Wealth: Increased Gold on resources.
- Cultural
- Economic
Civic Trees
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
- Tier 1: Unlock the Hawilt Unique Improvement. Increased Resource Capacity in Settlements on Coast or Navigable Rivers. Unlocks Great Stele Wonder.
- Tradition - Port of Nations: Increased Culture and Gold for every active Trade Route.
- Tier 2: Increased Gold on Quarters adjacent to Coast tiles. Unlocks 'Port of Nations' Tradition.
Monumentum Adulitanum
- Tier 1: Altar and Monument Buildings gain a Culture adjacency bonus with Hawilt Unique Improvements. Unlocks 'Throne of my Fathers' Tradition.
- Tradition - Throne of my Fathers: Increased Gold in Cities adjacent to Coast tiles.
Book of the Himyarites
- Tier 1: Dhow Unique Naval Units get the Swift keyword, letting them ignore enemy Units' Zone of Control. Unlocks 'May This Please the People' Tradition.
- Tradition - May This Please the People: Increased Culture on Resources on or adjacent to Coast tiles.
Unique Infrastructure
Hawilt: Unique Improvement. Gold base. Increased Culture for each adjacent Wonder or Hawilt. Must be built on a Flat tile.
Unique Civilian Unit
Tankwa: Unique Trade Ship. Cannot be pillaged. Increased Trade Route range.
Unique Military Unit
Dhow: Unique Naval Unit. Increased Combat Strength on Coast tiles. Has a charge to create a naval Trade Route.
Associated Wonder
Great Stele: Gain Gold per Age when you complete a Wonder in this City, including the Great Stele. Must be built on a Flat tile.
Starting Biases:
- Coastal
- Rough