From stony shores, the Normans sailed with conquest on their minds. The name "Normans" reflects their origin in Scandinavia, but upon settling in France, they adopted much of its language and culture before setting out yet again, to seize control of England in 1066. Norman knights rode out from stone castles, pursuing the values of chivalry. The Normans became the ruling class of England, and eventually blended into the population.
Unique Ability
Normannitas: Land Units receive increased Movement when Embarked, and Land Units adjacent to Coast receive increased Combat Strength.
- Diplomatic
- Militaristic
Civic Trees
Consuetudines et Justicie
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Motte Unique Building and 'Palisading' Tradition.
- Tradition - Palisading: Increased Production towards Fortifications.
- Tier 2: Unlocks the Bailey Unique Building. Increased Combat Strength to the Chevaler Unique Cavalry Unit for every Tradition slotted in your current Government.
Common Law
- Tier 1: Receive a free Social Policy slot. Unlocks 'Juré' Tradition.
- Tradition - Juré: City Halls receive increased Happiness and Palaces receive increased Culture.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks the 'Servitium Debitum' Tradition and 'Familia Regis' Tradition.
- Tradition - Servitium Debitum: Unit Maintenance cost reduced for Cavalry Units.
- Tradition - Familia Regis: Increased Culture for every Tradition slotted in your current Government.
Domesday Book
- Tier 1: Adds Gold to Farms, increased during Celebrations. Unlocks 'Bayeux Tapestry' Tradition.
- Tradition - Bayeux Tapestry: Increased Culture in Conquered Settlements.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks the White Tower Wonder.
Unique Infrastructure
Donjon: Unique Quarter. Receive a free Chevaler Unique Cavalry Unit when completed.
Motte: Unique Building. Gains Happiness if placed on Rough Terrain. Counts as a Fortification.
Bailey: Unique Building. Culture adjacency with Walls. Counts as a Fortification.
Unique Civilian Unit
Sokeman: Unique Settler Unit. When a Town is created, it receives a Wall in the City Center.
Unique Military Unit
Chevaler: Unique Cavalry Unit. Has increased Combat Strength against Units with less Movement.
Associated Wonder
White Tower: Adds Happiness. Increased Happiness in this Settlement for every Unique Tradition slotted in your Government. Must be built adjacent to a City Hall.
Starting Biases
- Coast
- Iron