Nepal - Modern Age Civilization

Est. Read Time2 minutes, 32 seconds

Add the Nepal civilization to your collection for The Modern Age in Sid Meier's Civilization® VII as part of the paid Crossroads of the World Collection DLC!*

Nestled high in the Himalayas, and incorporating both highland Buddhist and lowland Hindu populations, Nepal has clung to its sovereignty despite its precarious location. 19th century Nepal was governed by an autocratic group of families, and guarded by the fierce Gurkha warriors. Following an agreement with the British, they maintained a degree of independence at the crown of the world.

Unique Ability

Roof of the World: All Warehouse Buildings apply to Mountain tiles, but they cost increased Gold and Happiness Maintenance.


  • Diplomatic
  • Cultural

Civic Trees


  • Tier 1: Food and Science Buildings receive an adjacency with Mountains.
  • Tier 2: Sherpa Unique Scout Units can activate on an unowned Mountain tile within a set number of tiles from one of your Settlements' Palace or City Hall. A path of tiles is claimed back to the Settlement and the Mountain tile is improved immediately with a Highland Power Station.

Jyumdo Bagha

  • Tier 1: All Districts adjacent to Mountain tiles receive Defensive Fortifications as a one-time effect.
  • Tier 2: Units complete Fortifications in one turn if adjacent to a Mountain. Unlocks the 'Tundikhel' Tradition
  • Tradition - Tundikhel: Increased Combat Strength for all Units adjacent to a Mountain tile. This is increased further if the Unit is in your territory.

Singha Durbar

  • Tier 1: Unlocks the Boudhanath Wonder. Unlocks the 'Gift Gurkha' Action, which grants a Gurkha Unique Infantry Unit to another Leader with a Friendly or Helpful Relationship; Nepal receives increased Relationship with them and additional Culture for the current Relationship Level with them. 
  • Tier 2: Increased Influence on Culture Buildings. Unlocks the 'Maitri Sanadhi' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Maitri Sanadhi: Increased Influence towards initiating Endeavors by a set percentage if you have the fewest Settlements; if you don't have the fewest Settlements, increase Influence by a smaller percentage.


  • Tier 1: Museums have additional Great Work Slots. Unlocks the 'Himāl' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Himāl: Mountain tiles in your Capital receive increased Culture. Mountain tiles in your other Settlements receive a smaller amount of increased Culture. 

Unique Infrastructure

Highland Power Station: Unique Improvement. Increased Production and Culture. Must be built on a Mountain tile by a Sherpa Unique Scout Unit.

Unique Civilian Unit 

Sherpa: Unique Scout Unit. Movement and Sight actions ignore Mountain tile penalties. 

Unique Military Unit 

Gurkha: Unique Infantry Unit. Has increased Combat Strength and Movement, but costs more to train or purchase.

Associated Wonder 

Boudhanath: Influence Base. Increase your Relationship with all other Leaders. Must be built on a Tropical tile adjacent to a Mountain tile.

Starting Biases

  • Mountains

*Nepal civilization is part of the Sid Meier's Civilization® VII: Crossroads of the World Collection DLC. Crossroads of the World Collection is included in the Deluxe and Founders Editions of Sid Meier's Civilization VII. It is also available for separate purchase (base game required).