In the Central American jungles grew a series of city-states bound by alliances and a common culture—the Maya. They transformed a seemingly inhospitable landscape into a paradise of plazas, ball courts, and pyramids that rose out of the jungle to greet the open sky. But struck by climate and political crises, the Maya declined, and the land was once more covered by forest.
Unique Ability
Skies of Itzamna: The Palace gains Science for adjacent Vegetated tiles.
- Diplomatic
- Scientific
Civic Trees
Rain of Chaac
- Tier 1: Unlock the K'uh Nah Unique Building. The Altar gains Science for adjacent Vegetated tiles. Unlocks 'Pet Kot' Tradition.
- Tradition - Pet Kot: Increased Science on Vegetated tiles in Cities.
Lords of Xibalba
- Tier 1: Unlock the Jalaw Unique Building. Hul'che Unique Ranged Units and Jaguar Slayer Unique Recon Units gain Stealth in Vegetated tiles. Unlocks 'Miracles of the Twins' Tradition.
- Tradition - Miracles of the Twins: Units gain Poison, granting a combat bonus against wounded Units.
Calendar Round
- Tier 1: After completing a Technology, gain Culture equal to a small percentage of the Technology's cost. After completing a Civic, gain Science equal to a small percentage of the Civic's cost.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks 'Tzolk'in' and 'Haab'' Traditions and Mundo Perdido Wonder.
- Tradition - Tzolk'in: Happiness buildings gain Science.
- Tradition - Haab': Happiness buildings gain Culture.
Unique Infrastructure
Uwaybil K'uh: Unique Quarter. Every time you research a Technology, this City gains Production equal to a small percentage of its cost.
Jalaw: Unique Building. Happiness base. Culture adjacency for Quarters.
K'uh Nah: Unique Building. Science base. Science adjacency for Vegetated tiles.
Unique Civilian Unit
Jaguar Slayer: Unique Recon Unit. Has the Jaguar Trap ability, creating an invisible trap that must be placed on Vegetated tiles; Jaguar Trap deals damage to any enemy Units that enter the tile and instantly ends their movement. This ability recharges after a set number of turns.
Unique Military Unit
Hul'che: Unique Ranged Unit. Can see through Vegetation and suffers no movement penalty from Vegetated tiles.
Associated Wonder
Mundo Perdido: Increased Happiness and Science on Tropical tiles in this City. Must be placed on a Tropical tile.
Starting Biases:
- Vegetated
- Tropical