Abbasid - Exploration Age Civilization

Est. Read Time2 minutes, 50 seconds

Unified by the new religion of Islam, the early Arab caliphates expanded rapidly across the Mediterranean and eastward into Persia. In this world, Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid dynasty, thrived as a center of learning and culture. Arab scholars advanced astronomy and mathematics, philosophy and art - until, like the fall of night, the Mongols appeared on the eastern horizon.

Unique Ability

Medina: Receive Gold for each Rural Population of the City when you create a Specialist. Effect scales with Game Speed.


  • Scientific
  • Cultural

Civic Trees

Round City

  • Tier 1: Unlock the Mosque Unique Building. Increased Production to Buildings in Cities with a set number of Urban Population.
  • Tier 2: Science Buildings receive additional Food. Unlocks 'City of Peace' Tradition.
  • Tradition - City of Peace: All Buildings receive a Science adjacency with the Town Hall and Palace.


  • Tier 1: Unlock the Madrasa Unique Building. Receive a percentage of the Gold from Trade Income as Science. Resources tiles receive increased Happiness in Settlements with a Temple.
  • Tier 2: The Mamluk Unique Cavalry Unit receives the Pincer keyword, granting increased flanking damage. Unlocks the 'Sales and Trade' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Sales and Trade: Increased Science and Gold for each Resource assigned to Cities with a set number of Urban Population.


  • Tier 1: Increased Science in Cities with a set number of Population. Unlocks 'Compendious Book' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Compendious Book: Increased Science in Towns.
  • Tier 2: Reduce Specialist Happiness Maintenance costs by a set percentage. Unlocks the House of Wisdom Wonder.

Unique Infrastructure

Ulema: Unique Quarter. Adds Science to all Specialists in this city.

Madrasa: Unique Building. Science Base. Science adjacency for Quarters and Science Buildings.

Mosque: Unique Building. Happiness base. Happiness Adjacency for Culture Buildings and Culture Adjacency for Happiness Buildings. Unlocks the ability to found a Religion.

Unique Civilian Unit 

Ālim: Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built in Cities with a Ulema, and the specific Ālim received is random. Each Ālim can only be received once. Cost increases per Ālim built.

Possible Ālim Units:

  • Al-Jāḥiẓ: Create a Menagerie. This Menagerie receives added Happiness.
  • Al-Khwārizmī: Activates on an Ulema Unique Quarter. Each Building receives added Science.
  • Ibn Sina: Create a Hospital. This Hospital receives added Food.
  • Al-Maqdisi: Activate in another civilization. Receive Gold for each Resource this city has.
  • Al-Farghānī: Create an Observatory. This Observatory receives added Science.
  • Al-Farabi: Activate on a Science Building. Receive a free random unlocked Technology.
  • Rabia of Basra: Activate on a Happiness Building. Increased Happiness in this City. 
  • Al-Shaybani: Activate on a Culture Building. Receive an additional Tradition slot.
  • Al-Jazari: Activate on an Urban Tile with at least one Specialist Slot for an additional Specialist. Has multiple Charges.
  • Ibn Fadlan: Activate on a Navigable River tile. Receive Influence for every tile of this River, scaled by game speed.

Unique Military Unit 

Mamluk: Unique Cavalry Unit. When Stationed in or Occupying a Settlement, receive increased Combat Strength for every Urban Population in this Settlement.

Associated Wonder 

House of Wisdom: Adds Science. Gain a set number of Relics. Increased Science on Great Works. Has a set number of Great Works slots. Must be built adjacent to an Urban tile.

Starting Biases:

  • Camels
  • Coast