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Xerxes, King of Kings (Base game)

Xerxes inherited the Achaemenid Empire at a time of crisis and guided it to greatness. Swiftly crushing two uprisings upon taking power, he set his sights on Greece and invaded in 480 BCE. After defeat at Salamis ended his European ambitions, Xerxes shifted his attention from expansion to enrichment, devoting his treasury to architectural masterpieces, testaments to the triumph he bestowed on his people and the fear he provoked in his enemies.

Unique Ability (Base game)

Crusher of Rebellions: Increased Combat Strength for Units that are attacking in neutral or enemy territory. Gain Culture and Gold per Age upon capturing a Settlement for the first time. Gain increased Gold in all Settlements, increased even further in Settlements not founded by you. Increased Settlement limit per Age.

Attributes (Base game):

  • Economic
  • Militaristic

Agendas (Base game):

Lord of Fire: Decrease Relationship by a Medium Amount when a player is not at war. Increase Relationship by a Small Amount when a player is at war.

Starting Biases (Base game):

  • Desert

Xerxes, The Achaemenid* (Persona)

Xerxes inherited the Achaemenid Empire at a time of crisis and guided it to greatness. After a series of military campaigns at home and abroad, Xerxes shifted his attention from expansion to enrichment. He devoted his treasury to maintaining roads, establishing an extensive communication system, and completing a palace at Persepolis. Monuments and literature alike speak to the fear he provoked in his enemies and the luxuries he bestowed on his people.

Unique Ability (The Achaemenid Persona*)

Silk Road: Increased Trade Route limit with all other leaders. Creating a Trade Route or Road with a Merchant provides Culture and Gold per Age. Increased Culture and Gold per Age on Unique Buildings and Unique Improvements.

Attributes (The Achaemenid Persona*):

  • Cultural
  • Economic

Agendas (The Achaemenid Persona*):

Lord of Coin: Decrease Relationship by a Medium Amount if player has a greater or equal number of Trade Routes compared to Xerxes. Increase Relationship by a Small Amount if player has fewer Trade Routes than Xerxes.

Starting Biases (The Achaemenid Persona*):

  • Desert

*Xerxes, The Achaemenid leader persona is part of the Sid Meier's Civilization® VII: Deluxe Content Pack DLC. The Deluxe Content Pack is included in the Deluxe and Founders Editions of Sid Meier's Civilization VII. It is not included in the Standard Edition, but is available for separate purchase (base game required).