Tawantinsuyu, "the empire in four parts," was ruled by the Inca, and extended across the Andes mountains, building roads and waystations, terraced fields and silver mines – an empire in the sky. Under the Inca was a diverse collection of subjects, languages, and cultures, but no writing or coinage. Yet the empire came to a crashing end upon the arrival of the Spanish, and smallpox.
Unique Ability
Apus: Mountain tiles can be worked. Gain additional Food and Production on Mountains.
- Expansionist
- Economic
Civic Trees
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Terrace Farm Improvement and 'Tirakuna' Tradition.
- Tradition - Tirakuna: Increased Food in Settlements with their City Center adjacent to a Mountain or with a set number of worked Mountain tiles.
- Tier 2: Adds Happiness on Mountains. Unlocks the Machu Pikchu Wonder.
- Tier 1: Increased Food on Terrace Farm Improvements in Settlements with a Granary.
- Tier 2: Farms and Terrace Farm Improvements receive increased Food if adjacent to at least one Mountain.
Qhapaq Ñan
- Tier 1: Rough tiles do not end the Movement of any Inca Unit. Unlocks 'Qullqa' Tradition.
- Tradition - Qullqa: Receive a percentage of the Gold from Trade Income as Food.
- Tier 2: The Warak'aq Unique Ranged Unit gains the Poison ability, granting increased Combat Strength against wounded Units. Unlocks 'Quipu' Tradition.
- Tradition - Quipu: Settlements receive increased Gold based on Urban Population and increased Production based on Rural Population.
Unique Infrastructure
Terrace Farm: Improvement. Gains a high yield of Food, but can only be built on a Rough tile adjacent to a Mountain.
Unique Civilian Unit
Chasqui: Unique Scout Unit. Has increased Movement and Sight, and can see through Mountains and Rough tiles.
Unique Military Unit
Warak'aq: Unique Ranged Unit. Has high Movement and ignores Rough penalties during Movement. Has increased Combat Strength when attacking from Rough tiles.
Associated Wonder
Machu Pikchu: Gold Base. Increased Resource Capacity in this Settlement. Increased Culture and Gold on all tiles adjacent to this Wonder. Must be built on a Tropical Mountain tile.
Starting Biases
- Mountains
- Desert
- Plains
- Coast