The Mississippians - named for the river near where their earthen mounds stand - leave no writing behind, but archaeology tells of a complex society, a political system where cities waxed and waned in influence, maize farming, and trade in copper, shells, and hides. But by 1400 CE, whether through natural or political means, the Mississippians had already faded into memory.
Unique Ability
Goose Societies: All Buildings receive a Food Adjacency for Resources.
- Economic
- Expansionist
Civic Trees
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Potkop Unique Improvement. Gain increased Production towards constructing Buildings.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks 'Shell-Tempered Pottery' Tradition and Monks Mound Wonder.
- Tradition - Shell-Tempered Pottery: Buildings gain an added Gold Adjacency for Resources.
- Tier 1: Increased Resource Capacity in the Capital. Unlocks 'Gift Economy' Tradition.
- Tradition - Gift Economy: Increased Gold and Happiness for each imported Resource.
- Tier 1: Burning Arrow Unique Ranged Units can pillage tiles at range with a reduced Movement cost. Unlocks 'Atassa' Tradition.
- Tradition - Atassa: Increased Combat Strength on defense for Ranged Units.
Unique Infrastructure
Potkop: Unique Improvement. Adds Gold. Adds Food for each adjacent Resource. Must be built on a flat tile.
Unique Civilian Unit
Watonathi: Unique Merchant Unit. Gain Gold per Resource acquired when creating a Trade Route.
Unique Military Unit
Burning Arrow: Unique Ranged Unit. Has increased Combat Strength against Fortified Districts and Siege Units. Applies the Burning status to tiles for a set number of turns; Burning deals damage to Units that end their turn on the Burning tile.
Associated Wonder
Monks Mound: Adds Food. Increased Resource Capacity in this City. Must be placed adjacent to a River tile.
Starting Biases:
- Flat
- Rivers