Imperial Russia was known for many things: its vast span across Europe and Asia, luxury and inequality, art and culture. Caught between the eternal question of Russia's role as part of Europe and the Russian dusha, or soul, the Romanov reign held at the center of its ideology a model of "enlightened absolutism." With orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality at its core, Russia brought this rule to bear on populations from the Volga basin to eastern Siberia.
Unique Ability
Prosveshchenie: Increased Culture on Urban Districts in Cities. Increased Science on Urban Districts in Cities on Tundra tiles.
- Cultural
- Scientific
Civic Trees
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Obshchina Unique Improvement. Increased Food on Farms in Towns.
- Tier 2: Increased Production on Farms in Towns on Tundra tiles. Unlocks the 'Emancipation Reform' Tradition.
- Tradition - Emancipation Reform: Increased Production and decreased Growth in Cities.
Table of Ranks
- Tier 1: Increased Gold on Urban Districts in Cities. Unlocks the Hermitage Wonder.
- Tier 2: Increased Culture on Urban Districts in Cities on Tundra tiles. Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks the 'Westernization' Tradition.
- Tradition - Westernization: Increased Science and decreased Culture in Cities.
- Tier 1: Your Units are immune to damage from Blizzards. Enemy Units in your territory take increased damage from Blizzards. Unlocks the 'General Moroz' Tradition.
- Tradition - General Moroz: Increased Combat Strength for Units on Tundra tiles.
- Tier 2: Increase total Culture for every City, increased further if the City Center is on a Tundra tile.
Unique Infrastructure
Obshchina: Unique Improvement. Ageless. Increased Food from adjacent Farms. Increased Culture if built on a Tundra tile. Does not remove Warehouse bonuses on a tile. Cannot be built adjacent to another Obshchina Unique Improvement.
Unique Civilian Unit
- None
Unique Military Units
Cossack: Unique Cavalry Unit; does not replace other Cavalry Units. Has increased Combat Strength in friendly territory.
Katyusha Rocket Launcher: Unique Artillery Unit. Has increased Movement, but decreased Combat Strength. Has the Splash keyword, dealing a small amount of damage to all enemy Units adjacent to the target tile when attacking.
Associated Wonder
Hermitage: Culture Base. Increased Culture in Cities that have a Great Work slotted. Must be built on a Tundra tile.
Starting Biases
- Tundra
- Furs