Add the Bulgaria civilization to your collection for The Exploration Age in Sid Meier's Civilization® VII as part of the paid Crossroads of the World Collection DLC!*
In the seventh century, the Bulgars crossed the Danube and made the Balkans their own. Their warriors used the mountains to their advantage, scattering larger armies through skill and stratagems. The First Bulgarian Empire ran on conquest, expansion, and the growth of trade. The Second Empire saw the rise of art, literature, and architecture alongside spirituality and monastic traditions. All came crashing down when the Ottomans invaded.
Unique Ability
Krum's Dynasty: Receive Food in all Towns when pillaging Improvements equal to a percentage of the HP or Yields gained. All Combat Units receive decreased Combat Strength against Fortified Districts.
- Militaristic
- Expansionist
Civic Trees
Seven Tribes
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Hidden Fortress Unique Improvement. Unlocks the 'False Retreat' Tradition.
- Tradition - False Retreat: When pillaging Buildings, all Cities receive Production equal to a percentage of the Yield gained. All Combat Units receive decreased Combat Strength against Fortified Districts.
- Tier 2: Combat Units receive increased Combat Strength when you have a set number of Relics slotted.
Tarnovo Schools
- Tier 1: Increased Happiness on Hidden Fortress Unique Improvements in Settlements with a Temple. Unlocks the Rila Monastery Wonder.
- Tier 2: Gain a Relic. Unlocks the 'Iconolatry' Tradition.
- Tradition - Iconolatry: Great Works provide increased Happiness and Gold.
- Tier 1: Receive a set number of Migrant Units in the Capital. Hidden Fortress Unique Improvements receive increased Culture for each adjacent Mountain tile.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Cap. Unlocks the 'Stratagems' Tradition.
- Tradition - Stratagems: Increased HP and Yields from Pillaging.
Unique Infrastructure
Hidden Fortress: Unique Improvement. Production Base, and counts as a Fortification. Units on this tile gain increased Combat Strength and the Stealth keyword, which makes a Unit invisible to enemy Units until they attack an enemy Unit, end the turn adjacent to an enemy Unit, or an enemy Unit attempts to move to the same location. Must be built on a Rough tile that is not adjacent to another Hidden Fortress.
Unique Civilian Unit
Tarkhan: Unique Commander Unit. Units in its Command Radius can Pillage for no Movement cost. This Unit has more Movement than a normal Commander Unit.
Unique Military Unit
Bolyar: Unique Cavalry Unit. Movement ignores Rough Terrain penalties. Increased Combat Strength during combat on Rough Terrain.
Associated Wonder
Rila Monastery: Has multiple Relic Slots. Receive a Relic each time you build a Wonder, including this one. Cannot be built adjacent to an Urban tile.
Starting Biases
- Rough
*Bulgaria civilization is part of the Sid Meier's Civilization® VII: Crossroads of the World Collection DLC. Crossroads of the World Collection is included in the Deluxe and Founders Editions of Sid Meier's Civilization VII. It is also available for separate purchase (base game required).