As the Ming Dynasty shuddered under financial strain, a challenge appeared from its frontier – the Manchu, who were to establish the Qing Dynasty. The Qing led a new era, incorporating the Han Chinese majority and Manchu rulers together in a new, industrial and expansionist order. They claimed new dominions in neighboring states, even as they fought against European imperial ambitions.
Unique Ability
Kang Qian Shengshi: Increase Gold, Culture, and Influence from Imported Resources, but decrease Science from Imported Resources.
- Economic
- Expansionist
Civic Trees
Ten Great Campaigns
- Tier 1: Increased Combat Strength for all Units for every other Leader with which you have a Trade Route. Unlocks the 'Chuang Guandong' Tradition.
- Tradition - Chuang Guandong: Increased Growth Rate in Towns with a Resource assigned to them.
Open Customs
- Tier 1: Unlock the Qianzhuang Unique Building and the 'Cohong' Tradition. Gain Culture for every Imported Resource. Increased Settlement Limit.
- Tradition - Cohong: Increased Trade Income.
Kang Xi Tax Reformation
- Tier 1: Unlock the Shiguan Unique Building and the 'Farmland Assessment' Tradition. Gain Food from Resources assigned to Cities.
- Tradition - Farmland Assessment: Increased Production towards training Land Units.
Stabilizing Frontier
- Tier 1: Gain Happiness from Resources assigned to Cities. Unlock the 'Banner Army' Tradition and the Chengde Mountain Resort Wonder.
- Tradition - Banner Army: Increased Combat Strength against Land Units.
Unique Infrastructure
Huiguan: Unique Quarter. Increased Influence in this Settlement.
Shiguan: Unique Building. Science base. Happiness adjacency with Happiness buildings.
Qianzhuang: Unique Building. Gold base. Gold adjacency with Gold buildings.
Unique Civilian Unit
Hangshang: Unique Merchant Unit. Gain Gold for every Resource acquired when creating a naval Trade Route.
Unique Military Unit
Gusa: Unique Infantry Unit. Increased Combat Strength if adjacent to another Gusa Unique Infantry Unit.
Associated Wonder
Chengde Mountain Resort: Gold Base. Increased Culture for every other civilization with which you have a Trade Route. Must be built adjacent to a Mountain.
Starting Biases
- Tundra