Emerging from the shadow of Mongol-dominated Yuan, the Ming turned inward, revitalizing Han traditions and fortifying Chinese infrastructure and economy. The Ming dynasty saw expansions and improvements to the Great Wall, the installation of a tributary system that bolstered defense and dependency, and Ming goods becoming the most desired commodities in the global market. But when silver sources collapsed, unpaid Ming vassals rebelled, leading to the rise of the Manchu-dominated Qing.
Unique Ability
Great Canon of Yongle: Increased Science in the Capital. Received reduced Science per turn for each Social Policy slotted.
- Economic
- Scientific
Civic Trees
Nine Garrisons
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Ming Great Wall Unique Improvement and 'Divine Engine Division' Tradition.
- Tradition - Divine Engine Division: Increased Science for Settlements with a Garrisoned Combat Unit.
- Tier 2: Increased Gold on the Great Wall Unique Improvement in Cities with a Bank. Increased Combat Strength for Ranged Units adjacent to the Xunleichong Unique Infantry Unit.
- Tier 1: Reduce costs for purchasing Buildings in Towns. Unlocks 'Baojia' Tradition.
- Tradition - Baojia: Increased Science for each Resource assigned to a City. This effect is further increased in Cities other than your Capital.
- Tier 2: Increased Resource Limit in your Capital
Da Ming Lu
- Tier 1: Mandarin Unique Merchant Units add Science when they use the Create a Road Action. Unlocks 'Grand Secretariat' Tradition.
- Tradition - Grand Secretariat: Adds Science to Gold Buildings and adds Gold to Science buildings.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks the Forbidden City Wonder.
Unique Infrastructure
Ming Great Wall: Unique Improvement. Ageless. Counts as a Fortification. Receive additional Gold for adjacent Fortifications. Can only be built in a line.
Unique Civilian Unit
Mandarin: Unique Merchant Unit. Adds a large amount of Gold when using the Create a Road Action.
Unique Military Unit
Xunleichong: Unique Infantry Unit. Has increased Combat Strength in Featureless Terrain. Has a Ranged attack.
Associated Wonder
Forbidden City: Adds Culture. Increased Culture on all Fortification Buildings. Must be built adjacent to a District.
Starting Biases
- Silk
- Coast