Updated: 12.11.2024
For centuries, Spain extracted from the New World natural resources and the wealth of past empires. But following Napoleon's conquest of Spain, many saw an opportunity to create a new, free society in Mexico. Mexicans succeeded in their struggle for freedom, and a new state emerged – a cultural powerhouse primed to navigate challenges of governance, relationships between indigenous peoples and white Spaniards, and the operation of the Mexican economy relative to its northern neighbor.
Unique Ability
Revolución: Start with a unique Government type, Revolución. This Government has one Celebration effect, granting a large Culture boost for a set number of turns. Cannot enter any other Government type.
- Cultural
- Diplomatic
Civic Trees
Planes Políticos
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Catedral Unique Building, the Portal de Mercaderes Unique Building, and the 'Corridos' Tradition.
- Tradition - Corridos: Increased Happiness in Settlements for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
- Tier 2: Increased Policy slot for Revolución Unique Ability. Unlocks the Palacio de Bellas Artes Wonder.
Plan of Iguala
- Tier 1: Unlock an additional Celebration effect, granting a large amount of Production towards Military Units for a set number of turns. Unlocks the 'Cry of Dolores' Tradition.
- Tradition - Cry of Dolores: Increased Combat Strength for Units in Friendly territory for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
Plan of Ayutla
- Tier 1: Unlock an additional Celebration effect, granting a large amount of Influence towards initiating Diplomatic Actions for a set number of turns. Unlocks the 'La Reforma' Tradition.
- Tradition - La Reforma: Increased Culture in Towns for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
Plan of Tuxtepec
- Tier 1: Unlock an additional Celebration effect, granting a large amount of Science for a set number of turns. Unlocks the 'Order and Progress' Tradition.
- Tradition - Order and Progress: Increased Science in Cities for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
Unique Infrastructure
Zócalo: Unique Quarter. Increased Culture for every Unique Tradition slotted into the Government.
Catedral: Unique Building. Culture base. Receive a Happiness Adjacency from Culture Buildings.
Portal de Mercaderes: Unique Building. Culture base. Receive a Gold Adjacency from Gold Buildings.
Unique Civilian Unit
Revolucionario: Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built in a City with a Zócalo Unique Quarter, and the specific Revolucionario received is random. Each Revolucionario can only be received once. Cost increases per Revolucionario built.
Possible Revolucionario Units:
- Amelio Robles Ávila: Activated on a Zócalo Unique Quarter to grant a set number of free Soldaderas Unique Infantry Units with increased Combat Strength.
- Vicente Guerrero: Activated on the Palace to immediately trigger a Celebration.
- Petra Herrera: Activated on a Commander Unit. All Soldaderas Unique Infantry Units within its Command Radius gain increased Combat Strength.
- Miguel Hidalgo: Activated in a Town's District to summon a free Infantry Unit on every land District in that Town.
- Ángela Jiménez: Activated on a Commander Unit to grant Culture for every Promotion it has (effect scales based on game speed).
- Benito Juárez: Activated on a Zócalo Unique Quarter to grant an additional Tradition slot.
- José María Morelos: Activated on a Commander Unit to heal all Units in its Command Radius to full health.
- Antonio López de Santa Anna: Activated on a Commander Unit to grant it enough experience for a set number of Promotions.
- Pancho Villa: Activated on a Commander Unit. When a Unit within this Commander’s Command Radius defeats an enemy Unit, gain Gold equal to a percentage of its Combat Strength.
- Emiliano Zapata: Activated on a City Center to grant increased Culture to all Farms in the Settlement.
Unique Military Unit
Soldaderas: Unique Infantry Unit. Adjacent Units heal a set number of hit points; this effect does not stack.
Associated Wonder
Palacio de Bellas Artes: Culture Base. Increased Happiness on Great Works. Increased Happiness in this City. Has a set number of Great Works slots. Must be built adjacent to an Urban District.
Starting Biases
- Desert
- Plains