
Est. Read Time48 seconds

Confucius, or Kong Fu Zi, came to prominence during the Zhou Dynasty and turned to writing following a life in government. In contrast to a political climate in which rulers vied for power and succumbed to vice, Confucius cultivated an ethos of order, harmony, and tradition. His many writings stress hard work and knowing one’s place – be you ruler or subject, parent or child. Confucian thought would influence East Asian society for centuries hence.

Unique Ability

Keju: Increased Growth Rate in Cities. Increased Science from Specialists.


  • Expansionist
  • Scientific


Guanxi: Increase Relationship by a Medium Amount for having the most Specialists in an empire. Decrease Relationship by a Small Amount for the leader with the least amount of Specialists in an empire. Only triggers if Confucius has at least one Specialist.

Starting Biases:

  • Grassland