As the Empire of Mali faltered, their Songhai vassals rose up to form one of the largest states in Africa. Songhai revitalized Islam in the region, renewed the academic community in Timbuktu, and controlled the trans-Saharan trade. But the empire’s days were numbered when the Moroccans invaded, armed with gunpowder and seeking new routes for their own prosperity.
Unique Ability
Tarikh al-Sudan: Increased Resource Capacity in Cities on Navigable Rivers. Your Trade Ships cannot be Plundered on Navigable Rivers.
- Economic
- Militaristic
Civic Trees
Ships of the Desert
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Caravanserai Unique Improvement, the 'Timbuktu' Tradition, and the Tomb of Askia Wonder.
- Tradition - Timbuktu: Increased Gold on Mines if there is a Gold Building in that City.
- Tier 2: Increased Gold on the Caravanserai Unique Improvement in Settlements with a Bazaar. Unlocks 'Mud Brick' Tradition.
- Tradition - Mud Brick: Increased Production towards Gold Buildings.
- Tier 1: Increased Combat Strength to all Military Units on Navigable Rivers.
- Tier 2: Rivers do not end Unit movement. Unlocks 'Isa' Tradition.
- Tradition - Isa: Increased Movement to all Units on Navigable Rivers.
- Tier 1: Tajiro Unique Merchant Unit gains increased Gold. Increased Settlement Limit. Cities in Homelands on Navigable Rivers generate Treasure Fleets worth one Victory Point each.
Unique Infrastructure
Caravanserai: Unique Improvement. Gold base. Gold Adjacency for Rivers and Resources. Must be built on a Desert or Plains tile.
Unique Civilian Unit
Tajiro: Unique Merchant Unit. Gain Gold when you create a Trade Route that has at least one Navigable River.
Unique Military Unit
Gold Bangles Infantry: Unique Infantry Unit. Has increased Combat Strength on Resource tiles. Receives additional yields when Plundering Trade Routes.
Associated Wonder
Tomb of Askia: Adds Gold. Increased Resource Capacity in this Settlement. Increased Gold and Production in this City for every Resource assigned to it. Must be built on a Desert tile.
Starting Biases:
- Navigable Rivers
- Desert
- Plains
- Coast