The chaos that followed the forced opening of Edo Japan led to a new synthesis: the Meiji. This was an era of profound change and contradiction. Meiji Japan fused Western government and technology onto the bones of Edo, expanding furiously and challenging Europe for dominance. A new dawn had broken upon the Pacific, dramatic and glorious, fiery and terrible.
Unique Ability
Goisshin: When you Overbuild a Building, receive Science equal to a set percentage of the new Building's Production cost.
- Militaristic
- Scientific
Civic Trees
Bunmei Kaika
- Tier 1: Unlock the Jukogyo Unique Building. Gain a set percentage of Production towards Military and Production Buildings. Unlocks the 'Fukoku Kyōhei' Tradition and the Dogo Onsen Wonder.
- Tradition - Fukoku Kyōhei: When you train a Naval or Aircraft Unit, receive Science equal to a set percentage of its Production cost.
Oath in Five Articles
- Tier 1: Unlock the Ginkō Unique Building and the 'O-yatoi Gaikokujin' Tradition. Increased Production towards Science Buildings by a set percentage.
- Tradition - O-yatoi Gaikokujin: Increased Production and Science from Specialists.
Supreme War Council
- Tier 1: Increase Production towards Naval and Aircraft Units by a set percentage. Unlocks the 'Shusei Kokubō' Tradition.
- Tradition - Shusei Kokubō: Military Buildings receive a Production adjacency bonus from Coast tiles.
Kantai Kessen
- Tier 1: Increased Combat Strength for Units on or adjacent to Coast tiles. Unlocks the 'Kōkūtai' Tradition.
- Tradition - Kōkūtai: Increased Combat Strength for Aircraft Units attacking an enemy Unit engaged by a Naval Unit.
Unique Infrastructure
Zaibatsu: Unique Quarter. Buildings in adjacent tiles gain increased Gold and Production.
Ginkō: Unique Building. Gold base. Gain Gold adjacency bonus with Gold buildings.
Jukogyo: Unique Building. Production base. Production adjacency with Coast. Increased Resource Slots.
Unique Civilian Unit
- None
Unique Military Units
Mikasa: Unique Naval Unit. The first time this Unit is destroyed, it uses a charge to respawn at the nearest friendly Naval spawn point at reduced health.
Zero: Unique Aircraft Unit. Has increased attack range. Increased Combat Strength against other Aircraft Units.
Associated Wonder
Dogo Onsen: Happiness Base. This City gains Population during a Celebration. Must be built adjacent to a Coast tile.
Starting Biases
- Coast
- Grassland