Han China - Antiquity Age Civilization

Est. Read Time2 minutes, 22 seconds

The Han was not the first of China's ancient dynasties, but was arguably its grandest. From Liu Bang's rebellion against the iron-fisted Qin came a balance between centralized authority and Confucian meritocracy, and a wave of innovation in statecraft, philosophy, and science. With an army of shi dafu, scholar-bureaucrats, at home and an army of chariots, heavy infantry, and crossbows abroad, for four hundred years the Han held the Mandate of Heaven.

Unique Ability

Nine Provinces: The Capital and new Towns gain an additional Population with their first growth event.


  • Diplomatic
  • Scientific

Civic Trees


  • Tier 1: Unlocks the Great Wall Unique Improvement. Science Buildings gain an adjacency for Quarters. Increased Settlement Limit.


  • Tier 1: Increased Influence on the Palace. Unlocks 'Guanxi' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Guanxi: Increased Influence on Science Buildings.


  • Tier 1: Chu-Ko-Nu Unique Ranged Units gain increased Combat Strength when defending. Unlocks 'Jiu Qing' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Jiu Qing: Increased Influence on Happiness Buildings.


  • Tier 1: Increased Science in the Capital. Unlocks 'Tianxia' Tradition and Weiyang Palace Wonder.
  • Tradition - Tianxia: Increased Science from Specialists.

Unique Infrastructure

Great Wall: Unique Improvement. Adds Culture. Increased Happiness for adjacent Great Wall segments. Increased Combat Strength for any Units defending on this tile. Can only be built in a line.

Unique Civilian Unit 

Shì Dàfū: Unique Scholar-bureaucrat Unit. Can only be built in the Capital once it has reached a set Population, and the specific Shì Dàfū received is random. Each Shì Dàfū can only be received once. Cost increases per Shì Dàfū built.

Possible Shì Dàfū Units:

  • Ban Zhao: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Lessons for Women' that grants Culture. 
  • Han Fei: Activated on the Palace to add Science to the Building.
  • Laozi: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Tao Te Ching' that grants Happiness.
  • Mencius: Activated on a Science building to receive a free random unlocked Technology. 
  • Mozi: Activated in the Capital to immediately add Population. 
  • Shang Yang: Activated on the Palace to add Influence to the Building.
  • Shen Buhai: Activated in the Capital to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Wang Yangming: Activated on an Army Commander to grant it a free Promotion.
  • Xun Kuang: Activated in a City to add Science to all Codices in that City.
  • Zhang Heng: Activated on an Academy to grant Science to the Building.

Unique Military Unit 

Chu-Ko-Nu: Unique Ranged Unit. Has Zone of Control and increased Defense. Has increased Combat Strength when attacking adjacent Units.

Associated Wonder 

Weiyang Palace: Adds a high amount of Influence. Must be placed on a Grassland tile.

Starting Biases:

  • Desert
  • Plains