Among early European colonial powers, Spain was by far the largest and most influential empire. Iberia had been divided between Muslim emirates and Christian kingdoms, but following the unification of Castile and Aragon, and the completion of the Reconquista, Spain dominated the global stage in the name of God and wealth. The empire faltered as its ambitions were challenged in Europe, and its far-flung colonies sought their own destinies.
Unique Ability
Siglo de Oro: Increased Gold efficiency towards converting a Town to a City, increased further in Distant Lands.
- Militaristic
- Expansionist
Civic Trees
Council of the Indies
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Casa Consistorial Unique Building and 'Conquista' Tradition.
- Tradition - Conquista: Increased Combat Strength when in Distant Lands.
- Tier 2: Unlocks the Casa de Contratación Unique Building. Your Treasure Fleets have increased Movement.
- Tier 1: Fleet Commanders receive the Flotilla Promotion, which adds additional Unit Slots and allows Land Units to join the Commander group. Unlocks 'Great and Most Fortunate Navy' Tradition.
- Tradition - Great and Most Fortunate Navy: Increased Production training Naval Units, and Naval Units cost less Maintenance.
- Tier 2: All Units receive increased Movement when Embarked.
New World Riches
- Tier 1: Increased Food and Production in Settlements in Distant Lands. Unlocks 'Cerro Ricco' Tradition.
- Tradition - Cerro Ricco: Increased Gold for each Resource.
- Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks the El Escorial Wonder.
Unique Infrastructure
Plaza: Unique Quarter. Increased Gold in this Settlement for every Settlement in Distant Lands.
Casa Consistorial: Unique Building. Culture Base. Culture adjacency for Quarters. Cannot be built in Distant Lands, and must be built adjacent to a Coast tile.
Casa de Contratación: Unique Building. Gold Base. Gold Adjacency with Navigable River and Resource tiles. Cannot be built in Distant Lands.
Unique Civilian Unit
Conquistador: Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built in Cities with a Wharf, and the specific Conquistador received is random. Each Conquistador can only be received once. Cost increases per Conquistador built. A Conquistador can only be activated in Distant Lands, but they gain the ability to embark on Ocean tiles immediately.
Possible Conquistador Units:
- Ferdinand Magellan: Activated on a Fleet Commander in Distant Lands to receive increased Movement and Sight.
- Francisco Pizarro: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Infantry Units and a Cavalry Unit.
- Juan Ponce de León: Activated on a Water tile in Distant Lands to grant additional Movement to Treasure Fleets.
- Christopher Columbus: Activated on any Water tile in Distant Lands to reveal the world map except for the interior of Distant Lands.
- Hernán Cortés: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Infantry Units.
- Hernando de Soto: Activated in an Independent Power's Territory in Distant Lands to make that Independent Power a City-State with you as Suzerain.
- Francisco de Orellana: Activated on a Navigable River tile in Distant Lands to receive Gold for every tile in that River (effect scales based on game speed).
- Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: Activated on or adjacent to a Natural Wonder in Distant Lands to gain Gold for each Natural Wonder tile here or adjacent to this tile (effect scales based on game speed).
- Miguel López de Legazpi: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Ranged Units and an Infantry Unit.
- Inés Suárez: Activated on an eligible Settlement location in Distant Lands to create a new Town.
Unique Military Unit
Tercio: Unique Infantry Unit. Adjacent Units receive increased Combat Strength against Cavalry Units (bonus is only applied once).
Associated Wonder
El Escorial: Adds Happiness. Cities within a set number of tiles of this Wonder receive additional Happiness. Increased Settlement Limit. Has additional Great Work slots. Must be built on a Rough tile.
Starting Biases
- Coast