The Han was not the first of China's ancient dynasties, but was arguably its grandest. From Liu Bang's rebellion against the iron-fisted Qin came a balance between centralized authority and Confucian meritocracy, and a wave of innovation in statecraft, philosophy, and science. With an army of shi dafu, scholar-bureaucrats, at home and an army of chariots, heavy infantry, and crossbows abroad, for four hundred years the Han held the Mandate of Heaven.
Unique Ability
Nine Provinces: The Capital and new Towns gain an additional Population with their first growth event.
- Diplomatic
- Scientific
Civic Trees
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Great Wall Unique Improvement. Science Buildings gain an adjacency for Quarters. Increased Settlement Limit.
- Tier 1: Increased Influence on the Palace. Unlocks 'Guanxi' Tradition.
- Tradition - Guanxi: Increased Influence on Science Buildings.
- Tier 1: Chu-Ko-Nu Unique Ranged Units gain increased Combat Strength when defending. Unlocks 'Jiu Qing' Tradition.
- Tradition - Jiu Qing: Increased Influence on Happiness Buildings.
- Tier 1: Increased Science in the Capital. Unlocks 'Tianxia' Tradition and Weiyang Palace Wonder.
- Tradition - Tianxia: Increased Science from Specialists.
Unique Infrastructure
Han Great Wall: Unique Improvement. Counts as a Fortification. Adds Culture. Increased Happiness for adjacent Great Wall segments. Increased Combat Strength for any Units defending on this tile. Can only be built in a line.
Unique Civilian Unit
Shì Dàfū: Unique Scholar-bureaucrat Unit. Can only be built in the Capital once it has reached a set Population, and the specific Shì Dàfū received is random. Each Shì Dàfū can only be received once. Cost increases per Shì Dàfū built.
Possible Shì Dàfū Units:
- Ban Zhao: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Lessons for Women' that grants Culture.
- Han Fei: Activated on the Palace to add Science to the Building.
- Laozi: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Tao Te Ching' that grants Happiness.
- Mencius: Activated on a Science building to receive a free random unlocked Technology.
- Mozi: Activated in the Capital to immediately add Population.
- Shang Yang: Activated on the Palace to add Influence to the Building.
- Shen Buhai: Activated in the Capital to immediately trigger a Celebration.
- Wang Yangming: Activated on an Army Commander to grant it a free Promotion.
- Xun Kuang: Activated in a City to add Science to all Codices in that City.
- Zhang Heng: Activated on an Academy to grant Science to the Building.
Unique Military Unit
Chu-Ko-Nu: Unique Ranged Unit. Has Zone of Control and increased Defense. Has increased Combat Strength when attacking adjacent Units.
Associated Wonder
Weiyang Palace: Adds a high amount of Influence. Must be placed on a Grassland tile.
Starting Biases:
- Grassland