Siam - Modern Age Civilization

Est. Read Time2 minutes, 41 seconds

Between British colonial expansion in India and French claims in Indochina, Siam emerged. It slowly took in and adapted colonial governance, incorporating parts of Laos, Lanna, and Malaya, walking a delicate line between adopting Western norms and maintaining its own Buddhist traditions and developing into the Thailand of today.

Unique Ability

Itsaraphab: Grants a Diplomatic Action to immediately become Suzerain of a City-State at a higher Diplomacy Cost than Befriending Independents.


  • Cultural
  • Diplomatic

Civic Trees

Nine Gems

  • Tier 1: Unlocks the Bang Unique Improvement and 'State Railway' Tradition. Increased Culture for every Relationship above Friendly status.
  • Tradition - State Railway: Increased Influence per Gold Building per Turn.
  • Tier 2: Increased Influence for every Relationship above Friendly status. Unlocks the 'Sakdina' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Sakdina: Increased Happiness in Cities for each allied City-State.


  • Tier 1: Chang Beun Unique Ranged Unit gains increased Combat Strength in allied City-State territory. Unlocks the 'Prathetsarat' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Prathetsarat: Increased Influence towards initiating Diplomatic Actions with City-States by a set percentage.
  • Tier 2: Increased Culture on the Palace for every allied City-State. Unlocks the 'Mueang' Tradition and the Doi Suthep Wonder.
  • Tradition - Mueang: Increased Gold for each allied City-State.


  • Tier 1: Increased Culture for every active Diplomatic Action with another civilization.
  • Tier 2: Increased Culture and increased Gold for every Trade Route with another civilization. 

Unique Infrastructure

Bang: Unique Improvement. Culture and Happiness base. Must be placed on a Navigable River.

Unique Civilian Unit 

Uparat: Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built once you are Suzerain of at least one City-State, and the specific Uparat received is random. Each Uparat can only be received once. Cost increases per Uparat built.

Possible Uparat Units:

  • Chakrabongse: Activated on a Palace to immediately receive a set amount of Influence.
  • Itsarasunthon: Activated on a City's District to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Phibun: Activated in a City's District to give the City increased Production for every allied City-State.
  • Pinklao: Activated in a City's District to give it increased Culture for every allied City-State.
  • Pridi: Activated in a City's District to give the City increased Influence for every allied City-State.
  • Dara Rasmi: Activated on an allied City-State to turn it into a Town under your control.
  • Sakdiphonlasep: Activated on a Tropical tile to grant a set number of Chang Beun Unique Ranged Units with increased Combat Strength.
  • Senanurak: Activated on a Commander Unit, providing increased Combat Strength to units in its Command Radius for every allied City-State.
  • Vajravudh: Activated on a City's District to give it increased Science for every allied City-State.
  • Wichaichan: Activated on an Independent Power. This Independent Power becomes a City-State with you as Suzerain.

Unique Military Unit 

Chang Beun: Unique Ranged Unit. Has increased Movement and Combat Strength. Can move after attacking.

Associated Wonder 

Doi Suthep: Influence Base. Increased Culture and Gold for each City-State of which you are Suzerain. Must be built on a Rough tile.

Starting Bias

  • Ivory