Between British colonial expansion in India and French claims in Indochina, Siam emerged. It slowly took in and adapted colonial governance, incorporating parts of Laos, Lanna, and Malaya, walking a delicate line between adopting Western norms and maintaining its own Buddhist traditions and developing into the Thailand of today.
Unique Ability
Itsaraphab: Grants a Diplomatic Action to immediately become Suzerain of a City-State at a higher Diplomacy Cost than Befriending Independents.
- Cultural
- Diplomatic
Civic Trees
Nine Gems
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Bang Unique Improvement and 'State Railway' Tradition. Increased Culture for every Relationship above Friendly status.
- Tradition - State Railway: Increased Influence per Gold Building per Turn.
- Tier 2: Increased Influence for every Relationship above Friendly status. Unlocks the 'Sakdina' Tradition.
- Tradition - Sakdina: Increased Happiness in Cities for each allied City-State.
- Tier 1: Chang Beun Unique Ranged Unit gains increased Combat Strength in allied City-State territory. Unlocks the 'Prathetsarat' Tradition.
- Tradition - Prathetsarat: Increased Influence towards initiating Diplomatic Actions with City-States by a set percentage.
- Tier 2: Increased Culture on the Palace for every allied City-State. Unlocks the 'Mueang' Tradition and the Doi Suthep Wonder.
- Tradition - Mueang: Increased Gold for each allied City-State.
- Tier 1: Increased Culture for every active Diplomatic Action with another civilization.
- Tier 2: Increased Culture and increased Gold for every Trade Route with another civilization.
Unique Infrastructure
Bang: Unique Improvement. Culture and Happiness base. Must be placed on a Navigable River.
Unique Civilian Unit
Uparat: Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built once you are Suzerain of at least one City-State, and the specific Uparat received is random. Each Uparat can only be received once. Cost increases per Uparat built.
Possible Uparat Units:
- Chakrabongse: Activated on a Palace to immediately receive a set amount of Influence.
- Itsarasunthon: Activated on a City's District to immediately trigger a Celebration.
- Phibun: Activated in a City's District to give the City increased Production for every allied City-State.
- Pinklao: Activated in a City's District to give it increased Culture for every allied City-State.
- Pridi: Activated in a City's District to give the City increased Influence for every allied City-State.
- Dara Rasmi: Activated on an allied City-State to turn it into a Town under your control.
- Sakdiphonlasep: Activated on a Tropical tile to grant a set number of Chang Beun Unique Ranged Units with increased Combat Strength.
- Senanurak: Activated on a Commander Unit, providing increased Combat Strength to units in its Command Radius for every allied City-State.
- Vajravudh: Activated on a City's District to give it increased Science for every allied City-State.
- Wichaichan: Activated on an Independent Power. This Independent Power becomes a City-State with you as Suzerain.
Unique Military Unit
Chang Beun: Unique Ranged Unit. Has increased Movement and Combat Strength. Can move after attacking.
Associated Wonder
Doi Suthep: Influence Base. Increased Culture and Gold for each City-State of which you are Suzerain. Must be built on a Rough tile.
Starting Bias
- Ivory