From the long shadow of the guillotine, to the bright streamers of the revolutionary cockade, to the thunder of Napoleon’s cannon, to the Belle Epoque’s "City of Light" and the iron needle of the Eiffel Tower – France emerges. In the wake of the Revolution, the nation rocked from monarchy to republic and back again. But the Third French Republic brought a moment of respite, of avenues, industry, and salons… a breath before the coming storms.
Unique Ability
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité: You can select the Celebration effects of any Government in the Modern Age.
- Militaristic
- Diplomatic
Civic Trees
Belle Époque
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Salon Unique Building and the 'Style Empire' Tradition.
- Tradition - Style Empire: Constructing a Building grants Culture equal to a percentage of its Production cost.
- Tier 2: Increased Culture on Happiness Buildings and Wonders.
Voie Triomphale
- Tier 1: Unlocks the Jardin à la Française Unique Building and the 'Cocorico' Tradition.
- Tradition - Cocorico: When you defeat an enemy Unit, gain Culture equal to a percentage of its Combat Strength.
- Tier 2: Increased Happiness on Military buildings and Wonders. Increased Settlement Limit.
Grande Armée
- Tier 1: Commander Units immediately gain a Promotion. New Commander Units start with a Promotion.
- Tier 2: Units gain increased Combat Strength for each adjacent friendly military Unit. Unlocks the 'Bataillon-Carré' Tradition.
- Tradition - Bataillon-Carré: Infantry Units gain the Swift keyword, allowing them to ignore Zone of Control for enemy Units.
Code Civil des Français
- Tier 1: Increased Culture for every Policy slotted into the Government. Unlocks the Eiffel Tower Wonder.
Unique Infrastructure
Avenue: Unique Quarter. Increased Happiness on Urban Districts in this City.
Jardin à la Française: Unique Building. Culture base. Happiness adjacency with Culture buildings.
Salon: Unique Building. Happiness base. Culture adjacency with Happiness buildings.
Unique Civilian Unit
Jacobin: Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built in a City with an Avenue Unique Quarter, and the specific Jacobin received is random. Each Jacobin can only be received once. Cost increases per Jacobin built.
Possible Jacobin Units:
- Paul Barras: Activated on a Palace to increase Relationship Gains by a set percentage per Diplomatic Action.
- Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne: Activated on a Palace to grant all Land Units increased Combat Strength in Districts.
- Jacques Pierre Brissot: Activated on a Palace to grant all your Units increased Combat Strength.
- Etta Palm D'Aelders: Activated on a Palace or a City Hall to add a large amount of Happiness to it.
- Georges Danton: Activated on a Palace to immediately trigger a Celebration.
- Camille Desmoulins: Activated on any City's District to add Happiness on Quarters in that City.
- Olympe de Gouges: Activated on a Palace to add Science on Quarters in that City.
- Jean-Paul Marat: Activated on a Palace to add Culture on Quarters in that City.
- Maximilien Robespierre: Activated on a Palace to unlock a Unique Tradition, 'Reign of Terror,' which grants increased Culture on Districts, but reduces Growth Rate by a set percentage in Cities.
- Louis Antoine de Saint-Just: Activated on a Commander Unit to change its name to "Archangel of the Terror." Units within its Command Radius gain increased Combat Strength.
Unique Military Unit
Garde Impériale: Unique Infantry Unit. Can make a Ranged attack. Has increased Combat Strength when within a friendly Command Radius.
Associated Wonder
Eiffel Tower: Culture Base. Increased Culture and Happiness on Districts in this City. Must be built adjacent to a District.
Starting Bias
- Wine