Hi Civ fans,
We're still actively working to bring the most recent PC updates for Sid Meier's Civilization VII to the console versions of the game. Our goal is to do so in early March, and we’ll share more details on these plans soon.
In the meantime, we're making the previous 1.0.1 Patch 1 build available on a separate Steam branch for players to opt-into. Doing so will enable Steam players to be able to play with console players via cross-play.
Please note that by opting-in you will be playing an older version of the game that does not include the latest PC updates, and is not compatible with saves made on the current version of the game. Existing saves / in-progress campaigns will not be backwards-compatible when switching to the console-compatible branch, so you will have to start a new campaign once you've switched over. Saves you create on the console-compatible branch are forwards-compatible with the latest version of the game after you switch back. Players can use the same process to revert back to the current version on Steam at any time.
To join the console-compatible branch, right-click Sid Meier's Civilization VII in your Steam library, select Properties, then click over to the Betas tab.

In the dropdown for Beta Participation, you will see "console-compatible" as an option, which you can join without the need of a beta access code. You may have to restart Steam to get the new branch to appear in the dropdown list.

Once you've selected the console-compatible beta branch, your game will update to be on the correct version of the game that allows crossplay with consoles. You'll know it's ready when you see a suffix on the game title in your Steam library indicating that you've opted into the console-compatible branch, like this:

When you're ready to switch back to the most up-to-date version of Civilization VII on Steam, simply switch your Beta Participation dropdown to "None," wait for the game to update, and jump back in with all the latest PC updates applied. The game title in your Steam library will go back to normal, like this:

We're still actively working on a development roadmap outlining more major updates to the game, including improvements to the UI and other critical areas. Our goal is to share this roadmap in the coming weeks; we appreciate your patience as we determine what we can deliver in the near future.
We greatly appreciate your feedback, so please keep sharing your thoughts on the Steam Discussion forums or our official Civilization Discord Server.