Hawai'i - Exploration Age Civilization

Est. Read Time1 minutes, 51 seconds

Updated: 12.02.2024

With their double-hulled canoes and crab-clawed sails, Polynesian settlers reached across the vastness of the Pacific. Hawai'i, settled around 1000 CE, was at first a series of rival kingdoms until the advent of Kamehameha in 1795. But just a short while later, European and American missionaries, settlers, and planters invaded Hawai'i until the kingdom fell to a coup.

Unique Ability

Moananuiākea: Gain Culture each time a Settlement expands to a Marine tile. Increased Happiness on Fishing Boats.


  • Cultural
  • Expansionist

Civic Trees


  • Tier 1: Adds Culture for every time an Environmental Event has provided Fertility this Age.
  • Tier 2: Leiomano Unique Infantry Unit receives Culture when defeating enemy Units. Unlocks 'Kapa' Tradition. 
  • Tradition - Kapa: Increased Production towards Culture Buildings. 


  • Tier 1: Unlocks the Lo'i Kalo Unique Building and 'Ahupuaʻa' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Ahupuaʻa: Food Buildings receive increased Culture.
  • Tier 2: Increased Culture for Lo'i Kalo Unique Improvements in Settlements with a Pavilion.

Heʻe nalu

  • Tier 1: Receive a set number of Relics. Increased Settlement Limit. Unlocks 'Ho'okupu' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Ho'okupu: Increased Culture on Marine tiles.
  • Tier 2: Marine Rural tiles in Settlements following your Religion provide increased Culture. The Kahuna Unique Missionary Unit Receives an additional charge for the Heal action. Unlocks the Hale o Keawe Wonder.

Unique Infrastructure

Lo'i Kalo: Unique Improvement. Food and Production Base. Adjacent Farms receive increased Culture. Must be placed on Grassland or Tropical tiles.

Unique Civilian Unit 

Kahuna: Unique Missionary Unit. Requires a Temple. Has a Heal action that doesn't remove this Unit after being used.

Unique Military Unit 

Leiomano: Unique Infantry Unit. Has increased Combat Strength against Infantry and Cavalry Units.

Associated Wonder 

Hale o Keawe: Adds Culture. Whenever you complete a Building on a Marine tile, receive Culture equal to a percentage of its cost. Has a set number of Great Works slots. Must be built on a Marine tile adjacent to land, and cannot be built adjacent to a Tundra tile.

Starting Biases

  • Marine
  • Coast