Chola India - Exploration Age Civilization

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CIV7 | Civilizations | Chola Article | Screenshot

Cornering all manner of trade and the transportation of religious people across the Indian Ocean, the Chola oversaw a vast network of merchants and naval vessels that brought Indic texts and traditions along with spices, ivory, ebony, and other trade goods. Their dominion extended at times to vassals across the sea, in Southeast Asia. But danger came from home, as neighboring kingdoms drove them into obscurity. 

Unique Ability

Samayam: Gain an additional Trade Route from Trade Agreements.


  • Economic
  • Diplomatic

Civic Trees


  • Tier 1: Unlocks Manigramam Unique Building. Increased Influence towards initiating Trade Agreements.
  • Tier 2: Unlocks Anjuvannam Unique Building. Increased Resource Capacity in the Capital.


  • Tier 1: Increased Gold from active Diplomatic Actions you started or supported. Unlocks 'Devakoshta' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Devakoshta: Gold Buildings receive increased Culture.


  • Tier 1: Kalam Unique Naval Unit receives increased Movement and Sight. Unlocks 'Marakkalam' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Marakkalam: Unit Maintenance cost reduced for Naval Units.

Monsoon Winds

  • Tier 1: Increased Settlement Limit. Ottru Unique Naval Commander Unit receives the Convoys Promotion. Unlocks 'Angadi' Tradition and Brihadeeswarar Temple Wonder.
  • Tradition - Angadi: Settlements other than your Capital receive increased Gold if they have a Water Building.

Unique Infrastructure

Five Hundred Lords: Unique Quarter. Increased Land Trade Route Range and Water Trade Route Range.

Manigramam: Unique Building. Happiness base. Happiness adjacency for Trade Buildings. Gold adjacency for Quarters.

Anjuvannam: Unique Building. Gold Base. Gold Adjacency for Coast and Navigable Rivers.  Increased Production towards Naval Units. Must be placed adjacent to a Coast tile.

Unique Civilian Unit 

Ottru: Unique Naval Commander Unit. Opposing Combat Units in its Command Radius have reduced Combat Strength.

Unique Military Unit 

Kalam: Unique Naval Unit. Has an additional Attack per turn if Movement allows.

Associated Wonder 

Brihadeeswarar Temple: Adds Happiness. All Buildings with an active adjacency receive a Happiness adjacency with Navigable Rivers. Must be built on a Minor River or adjacent to a Navigable River.

Starting Biases:

  • Coast
  • Tropical